extends Node2D class_name Planet ## The player currenly controlling this planet. var player: Player : set(value): player = value var color := Color.MAGENTA if player == null else player.color %Selection.color = color %PopulationLabel.modulate = color %PopulationIcon.modulate = color %PopulationIcon.texture = null if player == null else player.icon ## Number of units currently stationed at the planet. @export var population: int : set(value): population = value %PopulationLabel.text = "%s" % value func _ready() -> void: is_selected = false @export_category("UI") signal selected(planet: Planet) signal pointer_entered(planet: Planet) signal pointer_exited(planet: Planet) var is_selected: bool : get: return %Selection.visible set(value): %Selection.visible = value func _on_input_listener_input_event(viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, shape_idx: int) -> void: # TODO: handle touch appropriately (InputEventScreenTouch). if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT and event.is_pressed(): selected.emit(self) func _on_input_listener_mouse_entered() -> void: pointer_entered.emit(self) func _on_input_listener_mouse_exited() -> void: pointer_exited.emit(self)