88 lines
2.6 KiB
88 lines
2.6 KiB
extends Control
class_name GameUI
@export var trail: Trail
var game: GameLogic
func _on_game_started(game: GameLogic) -> void:
self.game = game
for planet in game.planets:
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
_update_trail(delta, false)
func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouse:
#region Mouse input
var last_cursor_position: Vector2
func _handle_mouse_input(event: InputEventMouse) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
# The trail follows the cursor.
last_cursor_position = event.global_position
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT and event.is_released():
# The trail disappears when no longer dragging.
dragging_from_planet = false
# Detect mouse released on a planet and spawn a fleet.
if selected_planet != null and selected_planet.player is LocalPlayer and pointed_planet != null:
var op := GameOperationSendFleet.new()
op.from = selected_planet
op.to = pointed_planet
op.max_count = ceil(selected_planet.population / 2)
#region Planets
var selected_planet: Planet
var pointed_planet: Planet
var dragging_from_planet: bool
func _on_planet_selected(planet: Planet) -> void:
if selected_planet != null:
selected_planet.is_selected = false
selected_planet = planet
selected_planet.is_selected = true
dragging_from_planet = true
_update_trail(0., true)
func _on_planet_pointer_entered(planet: Planet) -> void:
pointed_planet = planet
func _on_planet_pointer_exited(planet: Planet) -> void:
if pointed_planet == planet:
pointed_planet = null
#region Trail
var trail_opacity := 0.
func _update_trail(delta: float, snap_position: bool) -> void:
var show_trail := dragging_from_planet and selected_planet != null and selected_planet.player is LocalPlayer
if show_trail or trail.visible:
trail_opacity = Util.damp(trail_opacity, 1. if show_trail else 0., 1e-4, delta)
trail.color = Color(selected_planet.player.color, trail_opacity)
trail.visible = trail_opacity > .01
if show_trail:
var target_position = last_cursor_position if pointed_planet == null else pointed_planet.global_position
trail.start_position = selected_planet.global_position
trail.end_position = target_position if snap_position else Util.damp(trail.end_position, target_position, 1e-20, delta)