// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 Fabio Iotti // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // @ts-check const page = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */(document.getElementById('page')); const pageImg = /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */(page.querySelector('img')); const pageWordTemplate = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */(page.querySelector('.word')); const pageSymbolTemplate = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */(page.querySelector('.symbol')); const pageLinkTemplate = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */(page.querySelector('.link')); const nav = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */(document.getElementById('nav')); const prevPageButton = /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */(document.getElementById('prev_page')); const nextPageButton = /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */(document.getElementById('next_page')); const goToTocButton = /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */(document.getElementById('go_to_toc')); const pageSelect = /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */(document.getElementById('page_select')); const pageSelectOptionTemplate = /** @type {HTMLOptionElement} */(pageSelect.querySelector('option')); 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const symbolOuterTopLeftPath = /** @type {SVGPathElement} */(/** @type {unknown} */(document.getElementById('outer_top_left'))); const symbolOuterTopRightPath = /** @type {SVGPathElement} */(/** @type {unknown} */(document.getElementById('outer_top_right'))); const symbolOuterLeftPath = /** @type {SVGPathElement} */(/** @type {unknown} */(document.getElementById('outer_left'))); const symbolOuterBottomLeftPath = /** @type {SVGPathElement} */(/** @type {unknown} */(document.getElementById('outer_bottom_left'))); const symbolOuterBottomRightPath = /** @type {SVGPathElement} */(/** @type {unknown} */(document.getElementById('outer_bottom_right'))); const symbolInnerTopLeftPath = /** @type {SVGPathElement} */(/** @type {unknown} */(document.getElementById('inner_top_left'))); const symbolInnerTopMiddlePath = /** @type {SVGPathElement} */(/** @type {unknown} */(document.getElementById('inner_top_middle'))); const symbolInnerTopRightPath = /** @type {SVGPathElement} */(/** @type {unknown} */(document.getElementById('inner_top_right'))); 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'VIEW'; //#endregion //#region Element placement /** @type {{ lastPos: { clientX: number, clientY: number }, start: { clientX: number, clientY: number }, end: { clientX: number, clientY: number }, el: HTMLDivElement } | null} */ let currentDrawingElement = null; /** @satisfies {Partial>} */ const DRAWING_ELEMENT_TEMPLATES = { 'WORD': pageWordTemplate, 'SYMBOL': pageSymbolTemplate, 'LINK': pageLinkTemplate, }; /** @satisfies {Partial>} */ const DRAWING_ELEMENT_CLASSES = { 'WORD': 'word', 'SYMBOL': 'symbol', 'LINK': 'link', }; /** * @param {EditMode} type * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ const addNewElement = (type, x, y, width, height) => { const id = uuidv4(); const pages = data.pages ??= {}; const page = pages[pageSelect.value] ??= { }; /** @type {page[keyof page]} */ let element; switch (type) { case 'WORD': element = page.words ??= {}; break; case 'SYMBOL': element = page.symbols ??= {}; break; case 'LINK': element = page.links ??= {}; break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid type: ${type}`); } element[id] = { x, y, w: width, h: height }; saveUpdatedData(); // Refresh page. loadPageElements(pageSelect.value); showProps(type, id); }; /** * @param {EditMode} type * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {(() => void) | null} onRemove * @param {(() => void) | null} onClick */ const createDrawingElement = (type, x, y, width, height, onRemove = null, onClick = null) => { const el = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */(DRAWING_ELEMENT_TEMPLATES[type].cloneNode(true)); el.classList.add(DRAWING_ELEMENT_CLASSES[type]); setElPosition(el, x, y, width, height); el.addEventListener('mousedown', ev => { ev.preventDefault(); }); if (onRemove) { /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */(el.querySelector('.remove')).addEventListener('click', ev => { if (ev.defaultPrevented || ev.button != 0) return; ev.preventDefault(); onRemove(); }); } if (onClick) { el.addEventListener('click', ev => { if (ev.defaultPrevented || ev.button != 0) return; 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updateCurrentDrawingElPosition(true); currentDrawingElement.el.remove(); currentDrawingElement = null; }); for (const el of Object.values(DRAWING_ELEMENT_TEMPLATES)) el.remove(); //#endregion //#region View mode (page panning) /** @type {{ clientX: number, clientY: number } | null} */ let panningLastPos = null; let currentPan = { x: 0, y: 0 }; const panBy = (x, y) => { currentPan.x += x; currentPan.y += y; page.style.setProperty('--left', String(currentPan.x)); page.style.setProperty('--top', String(currentPan.y)); localStorage.setItem('tunic_manual_translation.pan_x', String(currentPan.x)); localStorage.setItem('tunic_manual_translation.pan_y', String(currentPan.y)); }; page.addEventListener('mousedown', ev => { if (ev.defaultPrevented || ev.button != 0 || currentEditMode != 'VIEW') return; ev.preventDefault(); panningLastPos = { clientX: ev.clientX, clientY: ev.clientY }; }); window.addEventListener('mousemove', ev => { if (ev.defaultPrevented || ev.button != 0 || !panningLastPos) return; ev.preventDefault(); panBy(ev.clientX - panningLastPos.clientX, ev.clientY - panningLastPos.clientY); panningLastPos = { clientX: ev.clientX, clientY: ev.clientY }; }); window.addEventListener('mouseup', ev => { if (ev.defaultPrevented || ev.button != 0 || !panningLastPos) return; ev.preventDefault(); panBy(ev.clientX - panningLastPos.clientX, ev.clientY - panningLastPos.clientY); panningLastPos = null; }); currentPan.x = Number(localStorage.getItem('tunic_manual_translation.pan_x')) || 0; currentPan.y = Number(localStorage.getItem('tunic_manual_translation.pan_y')) || 0; panBy(0, 0); //#endregion //#region Database /** @typedef {string} GUID */ /** @typedef {{ x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number }} WordData */ /** @typedef {{ x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, v?: number }} SymbolData */ /** @typedef {{ x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, ref?: string }} LinkData */ /** @typedef {{ tran?: string, note?: string }} DictionaryData */ /** @typedef {{ words?: Record, symbols?: Record, links?: Record }} PageData */ /** @typedef {{ pages?: Record, dictionary?: Record }} Database */ /** @type {Database} */ let data = {}; /** @type {Record} */ let currentPageElements = {}; const uuidv4 = () => self.crypto.randomUUID(); const loadPageElements = (pageId) => { for (const id in currentPageElements) currentPageElements[id].remove(); if (!data.pages) return; /** @type {PageData} */ const pageData = Object.hasOwn(data.pages, pageId) ? data.pages[pageId] : {}; const pageWords = pageData.words; for (const id in pageWords) { const word = pageWords[id]; const el = createDrawingElement('WORD', word.x, word.y, word.w, word.h, () => { // When removed... delete currentPageElements[id]; delete pageWords[id]; saveUpdatedData(); el.remove(); hideProps(); }, () => { // When clicked... showProps('WORD', id); }); const dictionary = data.dictionary ?? {}; if (dictionary) { const wordSymbols = getWordSymbols(pageId, word); const dictionaryId = getDictionaryId(wordSymbols); const dictionaryWord = dictionary[dictionaryId]; /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */(el.querySelector('.word-meaning')).textContent = dictionaryWord?.tran ?? ''; } currentPageElements[id] = el; } const pageSymbols = pageData.symbols; for (const id in pageSymbols) { const symbol = pageSymbols[id]; const el = createDrawingElement('SYMBOL', symbol.x, symbol.y, symbol.w, symbol.h, () => { // When removed... delete currentPageElements[id]; delete pageSymbols[id]; saveUpdatedData(); el.remove(); hideProps(); }, () => { // When clicked... showProps('SYMBOL', id); }); if (!symbol.v) el.classList.add('empty'); currentPageElements[id] = el; } const pageLinks = pageData.links; for (const id in pageLinks) { const link = pageLinks[id]; const el = createDrawingElement('LINK', link.x, link.y, link.w, link.h, () => { // When removed... delete currentPageElements[id]; delete pageLinks[id]; saveUpdatedData(); el.remove(); hideProps(); }, () => { // When clicked... if (currentEditMode == 'VIEW') { goToPage(link.ref ?? TOC_PAGE_ID); } else { showProps('LINK', id); } }); currentPageElements[id] = el; } }; const saveUpdatedData = () => { localStorage.setItem('tunic_manual_translation.data', JSON.stringify(data)); console.debug("Updated data:", JSON.stringify(data)); }; data = /** @type {Database | null}*/(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tunic_manual_translation.data') || 'null')) ?? data; //#endregion //#region UI (props) /** @type {Partial>} */ const PROPS_ELEMENTS = { 'WORD': propsWord, 'SYMBOL': propsSymbol, 'LINK': propsLink, }; /** @type {EditMode | null} */ let currentlyVisibleProps = null; /** @type {GUID | null} */ let currentlyVisiblePropsId = null; /** * @param {EditMode} element * @param {GUID} id */ const showProps = (element, id) => { hideProps(); PROPS_ELEMENTS[element]?.classList.remove('hidden'); currentlyVisibleProps = element; currentlyVisiblePropsId = id; const page = data.pages ??= {}; const currentPage = page[pageSelect.value] ??= {}; const pageWords = currentPage.words ??= {}; const pageSymbols = currentPage.symbols ??= {}; const pageLinks = currentPage.links ??= {}; if (currentlyVisibleProps == 'WORD') { const word = pageWords[id]; if (word) loadWord(pageSelect.value, word); } else if (currentlyVisibleProps == 'SYMBOL') { const symbol = pageSymbols[id]; if (symbol) loadSymbol(symbol); } else if (currentlyVisibleProps == 'LINK') { linksRefSelect.value = pageLinks[id]?.ref ?? TOC_PAGE_ID; } }; const hideProps = () => { if (currentlyVisibleProps) PROPS_ELEMENTS[currentlyVisibleProps]?.classList.add('hidden'); currentlyVisibleProps = null; currentlyVisiblePropsId = null; }; // Words let lastSelectedWord = ''; /** * @param {number} pageId * @param {SymbolData} word */ const getWordSymbols = (pageId, word) => { const page = data.pages ??= {}; const currentPage = page[pageId] ??= {}; const pageSymbols = currentPage.symbols ??= {}; /** @type {{ x: number, v: number }[]} */ const wordSymbols = []; for (const id in pageSymbols) { const symbol = pageSymbols[id]; const symbolArea = symbol.w * symbol.h; const overlappingArea = Math.max(0, Math.min(word.x + word.w, symbol.x + symbol.w) - Math.max(word.x, symbol.x)) * Math.max(0, Math.min(word.y + word.h, symbol.y + symbol.h) - Math.max(word.y, symbol.y)); if (overlappingArea * 2 > symbolArea) wordSymbols.push({ x: symbol.x, v: symbol.v ?? 0 }); } // TODO: handle upside-down words (add a checkbox on the word rectangle), sorting symbols from right to left. wordSymbols.sort((a, b) => a.x - b.x); return wordSymbols.map(s => s.v); }; /** @param {number[]} wordSymbols */ const getDictionaryId = (wordSymbols) => { return wordSymbols.map(v => v.toString(36)).join('-'); }; /** @param {number} symbol */ const getSymbolMaskForCss = (symbol) => { let result = ''; for (let c = 'a'.charCodeAt(0); symbol; c++, symbol >>= 1) { if (symbol & 1) result += String.fromCharCode(c); } return result; }; /** * @param {number} pageId * @param {SymbolData} word */ const loadWord = (pageId, word) => { const selectedWordSymbols = getWordSymbols(pageId, word); lastSelectedWord = getDictionaryId(selectedWordSymbols); while (wordSymbols.firstChild) wordSymbols.firstChild.remove(); for (const symbol of selectedWordSymbols) { const symbolMask = getSymbolMaskForCss(symbol); const el = /** @type {SVGSVGElement} */(wordSymbolTemplate.cloneNode(true)); el.setAttribute('data-symbol', symbolMask); wordSymbols.appendChild(el); } const dictionary = data.dictionary ??= {}; const currentWord = dictionary[lastSelectedWord] ??= {}; wordMeaningInput.value = currentWord.tran ?? ''; wordNotesTextarea.value = currentWord.note ?? ''; }; wordSymbolTemplate.remove(); wordMeaningInput.addEventListener('keyup', ev => { const dictionary = data.dictionary ??= {}; const currentWord = dictionary[lastSelectedWord] ??= {}; if (currentWord.tran != wordMeaningInput.value) { currentWord.tran = wordMeaningInput.value; saveUpdatedData(); } }); wordNotesTextarea.addEventListener('keyup', ev => { const dictionary = data.dictionary ??= {}; const currentWord = dictionary[lastSelectedWord] ??= {}; if (currentWord.note != wordNotesTextarea.value) { currentWord.note = wordNotesTextarea.value; saveUpdatedData(); } }); // Symbols const SYMBOL_PATHS = [ symbolOuterTopLeftPath, symbolOuterTopRightPath, symbolOuterLeftPath, symbolOuterBottomLeftPath, symbolOuterBottomRightPath, symbolInnerTopLeftPath, symbolInnerTopMiddlePath, symbolInnerTopRightPath, symbolInnerBottomLeftPath, symbolInnerBottomMiddlePath, symbolInnerBottomRightPath, symbolCirclePath, ]; /** @param {SymbolData} symbol */ const loadSymbol = (symbol) => { for (let i = 0; i < SYMBOL_PATHS.length; i++) SYMBOL_PATHS[i].classList.toggle('active', Boolean(((symbol.v ?? 0) >> i) & 1)); symbolPreview.style.backgroundImage = `url('${PAGES[pageSelect.value].src.replaceAll('\\', '\\\\').replaceAll('\'', '\'\'')}')`; symbolPreview.style.backgroundPositionX = `${-symbol.x}px`; symbolPreview.style.backgroundPositionY = `${-symbol.y}px`; }; for (let i = 0; i < SYMBOL_PATHS.length; i++) { const index = i; const toggle = () => { if (!currentlyVisiblePropsId) return; const page = data.pages ??= {}; const currentPage = page[pageSelect.value] ??= {}; const pageSymbols = currentPage.symbols ??= {}; const symbol = pageSymbols[currentlyVisiblePropsId]; if (!symbol) return; symbol.v = (symbol.v ?? 0) ^ (1 << index); saveUpdatedData(); SYMBOL_PATHS[index].classList.toggle('active', Boolean((symbol.v >> index) & 1)); }; SYMBOL_PATHS[i].addEventListener('mouseenter', ev => { if (ev.defaultPrevented || ev.buttons != 1) return; ev.preventDefault(); toggle(); }); SYMBOL_PATHS[i].addEventListener('click', ev => { if (ev.defaultPrevented || ev.button != 0) return; ev.preventDefault(); toggle(); }); } // Links for (const id in PAGES) { const opt = /** @type {HTMLOptionElement} */(linksRefSelectOptionTemplate.cloneNode(true)); opt.value = id; opt.textContent = PAGES[id].label; linksRefSelectOptionTemplate.parentElement?.insertBefore(opt, linksRefSelectOptionTemplate); } linksRefSelectOptionTemplate.remove(); linksRefSelect.addEventListener('change', ev => { if (!currentlyVisiblePropsId) return; ev.preventDefault(); const page = data.pages ??= {}; const currentPage = page[pageSelect.value] ??= {}; const pageLinks = currentPage.links ??= {}; const link = pageLinks[currentlyVisiblePropsId]; if (!link) return; link.ref = linksRefSelect.value; saveUpdatedData(); }); //#endregion //#region Keyboard shortcuts const FOCUS_WHITELIST = ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT']; window.addEventListener('keyup', ev => { if (FOCUS_WHITELIST.includes(document.activeElement?.tagName ?? '')) return; console.debug(ev.key); switch (ev.key) { case 'Escape': ev.preventDefault(); hideProps(); break; case 'ArrowLeft': ev.preventDefault(); goToPrevPage(); break; case 'ArrowRight': ev.preventDefault(); goToNextPage(); break; case 'i': case 'I': ev.preventDefault(); goToPage(TOC_PAGE_ID); break; case 'v': case 'V': ev.preventDefault(); setEditMode('VIEW'); break; case 'w': case 'W': ev.preventDefault(); setEditMode('WORD'); break; case 's': case 'S': ev.preventDefault(); setEditMode('SYMBOL'); break; case 'l': case 'L': ev.preventDefault(); setEditMode('LINK'); break; } }); //#endregion goToPage(pageSelect.value); setEditMode(currentEditMode); if (Object.keys(data).length == 0) { (async () => { const response = await fetch("res/data.json"); const exampleData = await response.json(); data = exampleData; goToPage(pageSelect.value); })(); }