mirror of
synced 2024-11-14 10:49:41 +01:00
Remove old BucketTree
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 719 additions and 828 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace LibHac.FsSystem
public static readonly int NodeSize = 1024 * 16;
private BucketTree2 Table { get; } = new BucketTree2();
private BucketTree Table { get; } = new BucketTree();
private readonly object _locker = new object();
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace LibHac.FsSystem
if (destination.Length == 0)
return Result.Success;
var visitor = new BucketTree2.Visitor();
var visitor = new BucketTree.Visitor();
Result rc = Table.Find(ref visitor, offset);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
@ -1,109 +1,738 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using LibHac.Common;
using LibHac.Diag;
using LibHac.Fs;
namespace LibHac.FsSystem
public class BucketTree<T> where T : BucketTreeEntry<T>, new()
public partial class BucketTree
private const int BucketAlignment = 0x4000;
public BucketTreeBucket<OffsetEntry> BucketOffsets { get; }
public BucketTreeBucket<T>[] Buckets { get; }
private const uint ExpectedMagic = 0x52544B42; // BKTR
private const int MaxVersion = 1;
public BucketTree(IStorage data)
private const int NodeSizeMin = 1024;
private const int NodeSizeMax = 1024 * 512;
private static int NodeHeaderSize => Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>();
private SubStorage2 NodeStorage { get; set; }
private SubStorage2 EntryStorage { get; set; }
private NodeBuffer _nodeL1 = new NodeBuffer();
private long NodeSize { get; set; }
private long EntrySize { get; set; }
private int OffsetCount { get; set; }
private int EntrySetCount { get; set; }
private long StartOffset { get; set; }
private long EndOffset { get; set; }
public Result Initialize(SubStorage2 nodeStorage, SubStorage2 entryStorage, int nodeSize, int entrySize,
int entryCount)
var reader = new BinaryReader(data.AsStream());
Assert.AssertTrue(entrySize >= sizeof(long));
Assert.AssertTrue(nodeSize >= entrySize + Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
Assert.AssertTrue(NodeSizeMin <= nodeSize && nodeSize <= NodeSizeMax);
BucketOffsets = new BucketTreeBucket<OffsetEntry>(reader);
// Ensure valid entry count.
if (entryCount <= 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidArgument.Log();
Buckets = new BucketTreeBucket<T>[BucketOffsets.EntryCount];
// Allocate node.
if (!_nodeL1.Allocate(nodeSize))
return ResultFs.BufferAllocationFailed.Log();
for (int i = 0; i < BucketOffsets.EntryCount; i++)
bool needFree = true;
reader.BaseStream.Position = (i + 1) * BucketAlignment;
Buckets[i] = new BucketTreeBucket<T>(reader);
// Read node.
Result rc = nodeStorage.Read(0, _nodeL1.GetBuffer());
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Verify node.
rc = _nodeL1.GetHeader().Verify(0, nodeSize, sizeof(long));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Validate offsets.
int offsetCount = GetOffsetCount(nodeSize);
int entrySetCount = GetEntrySetCount(nodeSize, entrySize, entryCount);
BucketTreeNode<long> node = _nodeL1.GetNode<long>();
long startOffset;
if (offsetCount < entrySetCount && node.GetCount() < offsetCount)
startOffset = node.GetL2BeginOffset();
startOffset = node.GetBeginOffset();
long endOffset = node.GetEndOffset();
if (startOffset < 0 || startOffset > node.GetBeginOffset() || startOffset >= endOffset)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeEntryOffset.Log();
NodeStorage = nodeStorage;
EntryStorage = entryStorage;
NodeSize = nodeSize;
EntrySize = entrySize;
OffsetCount = offsetCount;
EntrySetCount = entrySetCount;
StartOffset = startOffset;
EndOffset = endOffset;
needFree = false;
return Result.Success;
if (needFree)
public List<T> GetEntryList()
List<T> list = Buckets.SelectMany(x => x.Entries).ToList();
public bool IsInitialized() => NodeSize > 0;
public bool IsEmpty() => EntrySize == 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count - 1; i++)
public long GetStart() => StartOffset;
public long GetEnd() => EndOffset;
public long GetSize() => EndOffset - StartOffset;
public bool Includes(long offset)
return StartOffset <= offset && offset < EndOffset;
public bool Includes(long offset, long size)
return size > 0 && StartOffset <= offset && size <= EndOffset - offset;
public Result Find(ref Visitor visitor, long virtualAddress)
if (virtualAddress < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidOffset.Log();
if (IsEmpty())
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
Result rc = visitor.Initialize(this);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
return visitor.Find(virtualAddress);
public static int QueryHeaderStorageSize() => Unsafe.SizeOf<Header>();
public static long QueryNodeStorageSize(long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryCount)
Assert.AssertTrue(entrySize >= sizeof(long));
Assert.AssertTrue(nodeSize >= entrySize + Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
Assert.AssertTrue(NodeSizeMin <= nodeSize && nodeSize <= NodeSizeMax);
Assert.AssertTrue(entryCount >= 0);
if (entryCount <= 0)
return 0;
return (1 + GetNodeL2Count(nodeSize, entrySize, entryCount)) * nodeSize;
public static long QueryEntryStorageSize(long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryCount)
Assert.AssertTrue(entrySize >= sizeof(long));
Assert.AssertTrue(nodeSize >= entrySize + Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
Assert.AssertTrue(NodeSizeMin <= nodeSize && nodeSize <= NodeSizeMax);
Assert.AssertTrue(entryCount >= 0);
if (entryCount <= 0)
return 0;
return GetEntrySetCount(nodeSize, entrySize, entryCount) * nodeSize;
private static int GetEntryCount(long nodeSize, long entrySize)
return (int)((nodeSize - Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>()) / entrySize);
private static int GetOffsetCount(long nodeSize)
return (int)((nodeSize - Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>()) / sizeof(long));
private static int GetEntrySetCount(long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryCount)
int entryCountPerNode = GetEntryCount(nodeSize, entrySize);
return Util.DivideByRoundUp(entryCount, entryCountPerNode);
public static int GetNodeL2Count(long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryCount)
int offsetCountPerNode = GetOffsetCount(nodeSize);
int entrySetCount = GetEntrySetCount(nodeSize, entrySize, entryCount);
if (entrySetCount <= offsetCountPerNode)
return 0;
int nodeL2Count = Util.DivideByRoundUp(entrySetCount, offsetCountPerNode);
Abort.DoAbortUnless(nodeL2Count <= offsetCountPerNode);
return Util.DivideByRoundUp(entrySetCount - (offsetCountPerNode - (nodeL2Count - 1)), offsetCountPerNode);
private static long GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(long entrySetOffset, long entrySize, int entryIndex)
return entrySetOffset + Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>() + entryIndex * entrySize;
private static long GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(int entrySetIndex, long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryIndex)
return GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(entrySetIndex * nodeSize, entrySize, entryIndex);
private bool IsExistL2() => OffsetCount < EntrySetCount;
private bool IsExistOffsetL2OnL1() => IsExistL2() && _nodeL1.GetHeader().Count < OffsetCount;
private long GetEntrySetIndex(int nodeIndex, int offsetIndex)
return (OffsetCount - _nodeL1.GetHeader().Count) + (OffsetCount * nodeIndex) + offsetIndex;
public struct Header
public uint Magic;
public uint Version;
public int EntryCount;
#pragma warning disable 414
private int _reserved;
#pragma warning restore 414
public void Format(int entryCount)
list[i].Next = list[i + 1];
list[i].OffsetEnd = list[i + 1].Offset;
Magic = ExpectedMagic;
Version = MaxVersion;
EntryCount = entryCount;
_reserved = 0;
list[list.Count - 1].OffsetEnd = BucketOffsets.OffsetEnd;
return list;
public class BucketTreeBucket<T> where T : BucketTreeEntry<T>, new()
public int Index;
public int EntryCount;
public long OffsetEnd;
public T[] Entries;
public BucketTreeBucket(BinaryReader reader)
Index = reader.ReadInt32();
EntryCount = reader.ReadInt32();
OffsetEnd = reader.ReadInt64();
Entries = new T[EntryCount];
for (int i = 0; i < EntryCount; i++)
public Result Verify()
Entries[i] = new T().Read(reader);
if (Magic != ExpectedMagic)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeSignature.Log();
if (EntryCount < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeEntryCount.Log();
if (Version > MaxVersion)
return ResultFs.UnsupportedVersion.Log();
return Result.Success;
public abstract class BucketTreeEntry<T> where T : BucketTreeEntry<T>
public long Offset { get; set; }
public long OffsetEnd { get; set; }
public T Next { get; set; }
protected abstract void ReadSpecific(BinaryReader reader);
internal T Read(BinaryReader reader)
public struct NodeHeader
Offset = reader.ReadInt64();
return (T)this;
public int Index;
public int Count;
public long Offset;
public Result Verify(int nodeIndex, long nodeSize, long entrySize)
if (Index != nodeIndex)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeIndex.Log();
if (entrySize == 0 || nodeSize < entrySize + NodeHeaderSize)
return ResultFs.InvalidSize.Log();
long maxEntryCount = (nodeSize - NodeHeaderSize) / entrySize;
if (Count <= 0 || maxEntryCount < Count)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeEntryCount.Log();
if (Offset < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeOffset.Log();
return Result.Success;
public class OffsetEntry : BucketTreeEntry<OffsetEntry>
protected override void ReadSpecific(BinaryReader reader) { }
public class AesSubsectionEntry : BucketTreeEntry<AesSubsectionEntry>
public uint Field8 { get; set; }
public uint Counter { get; set; }
protected override void ReadSpecific(BinaryReader reader)
private struct NodeBuffer
Field8 = reader.ReadUInt32();
Counter = reader.ReadUInt32();
// Use long to ensure alignment
private long[] _header;
public bool Allocate(int nodeSize)
Assert.AssertTrue(_header == null);
_header = new long[nodeSize / sizeof(long)];
return _header != null;
public void Free()
_header = null;
public void FillZero()
if (_header != null)
Array.Fill(_header, 0);
public ref NodeHeader GetHeader()
Assert.AssertTrue(_header.Length / sizeof(long) >= Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
return ref Unsafe.As<long, NodeHeader>(ref _header[0]);
public Span<byte> GetBuffer()
return MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(_header.AsSpan());
public BucketTreeNode<TEntry> GetNode<TEntry>() where TEntry : unmanaged
return new BucketTreeNode<TEntry>(GetBuffer());
public class RelocationEntry : BucketTreeEntry<RelocationEntry>
public long SourceOffset { get; set; }
public int SourceIndex { get; set; }
protected override void ReadSpecific(BinaryReader reader)
public readonly ref struct BucketTreeNode<TEntry> where TEntry : unmanaged
SourceOffset = reader.ReadInt64();
SourceIndex = reader.ReadInt32();
private readonly Span<byte> _buffer;
public BucketTreeNode(Span<byte> buffer)
_buffer = buffer;
Assert.AssertTrue(_buffer.Length >= Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
Assert.AssertTrue(_buffer.Length >= Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>() + GetHeader().Count * Unsafe.SizeOf<TEntry>());
public int GetCount() => GetHeader().Count;
public ReadOnlySpan<TEntry> GetArray() => GetWritableArray();
internal Span<TEntry> GetWritableArray() => GetWritableArray<TEntry>();
public long GetBeginOffset() => GetArray<long>()[0];
public long GetEndOffset() => GetHeader().Offset;
public long GetL2BeginOffset() => GetArray<long>()[GetCount()];
public ReadOnlySpan<TElement> GetArray<TElement>() where TElement : unmanaged
return GetWritableArray<TElement>();
private Span<TElement> GetWritableArray<TElement>() where TElement : unmanaged
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, TElement>(_buffer.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>()));
internal ref NodeHeader GetHeader()
return ref Unsafe.As<byte, NodeHeader>(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(_buffer));
public ref struct Visitor
private BucketTree Tree { get; set; }
private byte[] Entry { get; set; }
private int EntryIndex { get; set; }
private int EntrySetCount { get; set; }
private EntrySetHeader _entrySet;
private struct EntrySetHeader
// ReSharper disable once MemberHidesStaticFromOuterClass
[FieldOffset(0)] public NodeHeader Header;
[FieldOffset(0)] public EntrySetInfo Info;
public struct EntrySetInfo
public int Index;
public int Count;
public long End;
public long Start;
public Result Initialize(BucketTree tree)
Assert.AssertTrue(tree != null);
Assert.AssertTrue(Tree == null || tree == Tree);
if (Entry == null)
Entry = new byte[tree.EntrySize];
Tree = tree;
EntryIndex = -1;
return Result.Success;
public void Dispose()
// todo: try using shared arrays
public bool IsValid() => EntryIndex >= 0;
public bool CanMoveNext()
return IsValid() && (EntryIndex + 1 < _entrySet.Info.Count || _entrySet.Info.Index + 1 < EntrySetCount);
public bool CanMovePrevious()
return IsValid() && (EntryIndex > 0 || _entrySet.Info.Index > 0);
public ref T Get<T>() where T : unmanaged
return ref MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, T>(Entry)[0];
public Result MoveNext()
Result rc;
if (!IsValid())
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
int entryIndex = EntryIndex + 1;
// Invalidate our index, and read the header for the next index.
if (entryIndex == _entrySet.Info.Count)
int entrySetIndex = _entrySet.Info.Index + 1;
if (entrySetIndex >= EntrySetCount)
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
EntryIndex = -1;
long end = _entrySet.Info.End;
long entrySetSize = Tree.NodeSize;
long entrySetOffset = entrySetIndex * entrySetSize;
rc = Tree.EntryStorage.Read(entrySetOffset, SpanHelpers.AsByteSpan(ref _entrySet));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
rc = _entrySet.Header.Verify(entrySetIndex, entrySetSize, Tree.EntrySize);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
if (_entrySet.Info.Start != end || _entrySet.Info.Start >= _entrySet.Info.End)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeEntrySetOffset.Log();
entryIndex = 0;
EntryIndex = 1;
// Read the new entry
long entrySize = Tree.EntrySize;
long entryOffset = GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(_entrySet.Info.Index, Tree.NodeSize, entrySize, entryIndex);
rc = Tree.EntryStorage.Read(entryOffset, Entry);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Note that we changed index.
EntryIndex = entryIndex;
return Result.Success;
public Result MovePrevious()
Result rc;
if (!IsValid())
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
int entryIndex = EntryIndex;
if (entryIndex == 0)
if (_entrySet.Info.Index <= 0)
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
EntryIndex = -1;
long start = _entrySet.Info.Start;
long entrySetSize = Tree.NodeSize;
int entrySetIndex = _entrySet.Info.Index - 1;
long entrySetOffset = entrySetIndex * entrySetSize;
rc = Tree.EntryStorage.Read(entrySetOffset, SpanHelpers.AsByteSpan(ref _entrySet));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
rc = _entrySet.Header.Verify(entrySetIndex, entrySetSize, Tree.EntrySize);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
if (_entrySet.Info.End != start || _entrySet.Info.Start >= _entrySet.Info.End)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeEntrySetOffset.Log();
entryIndex = _entrySet.Info.Count;
EntryIndex = -1;
// Read the new entry
long entrySize = Tree.EntrySize;
long entryOffset = GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(_entrySet.Info.Index, Tree.NodeSize, entrySize, entryIndex);
rc = Tree.EntryStorage.Read(entryOffset, Entry);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Note that we changed index.
EntryIndex = entryIndex;
return Result.Success;
public Result Find(long virtualAddress)
Result rc;
// Get the node.
BucketTreeNode<long> node = Tree._nodeL1.GetNode<long>();
if (virtualAddress >= node.GetEndOffset())
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
int entrySetIndex;
if (Tree.IsExistOffsetL2OnL1() && virtualAddress < node.GetBeginOffset())
// The portion of the L2 offsets containing our target offset is stored in the L1 node
ReadOnlySpan<long> offsets = node.GetArray<long>().Slice(node.GetCount());
int index = offsets.BinarySearch(virtualAddress);
if (index < 0) index = (~index) - 1;
if (index < 0)
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
entrySetIndex = index;
ReadOnlySpan<long> offsets = node.GetArray<long>().Slice(0, node.GetCount());
int index = offsets.BinarySearch(virtualAddress);
if (index < 0) index = (~index) - 1;
if (index < 0)
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
if (Tree.IsExistL2())
if (index >= Tree.OffsetCount)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeOffset.Log();
rc = FindEntrySet(out entrySetIndex, virtualAddress, index);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
entrySetIndex = index;
// Validate the entry set index.
if (entrySetIndex < 0 || entrySetIndex >= Tree.EntrySetCount)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeOffset.Log();
// Find the entry.
rc = FindEntry(virtualAddress, entrySetIndex);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Set count.
EntrySetCount = Tree.EntrySetCount;
return Result.Success;
private Result FindEntrySet(out int entrySetIndex, long virtualAddress, int nodeIndex)
long nodeSize = Tree.NodeSize;
using (var rented = new RentedArray<byte>((int)nodeSize))
return FindEntrySetWithBuffer(out entrySetIndex, virtualAddress, nodeIndex, rented.Span);
private Result FindEntrySetWithBuffer(out int outIndex, long virtualAddress, int nodeIndex,
Span<byte> buffer)
outIndex = default;
// Calculate node extents.
long nodeSize = Tree.NodeSize;
long nodeOffset = (nodeIndex + 1) * nodeSize;
SubStorage2 storage = Tree.NodeStorage;
// Read the node.
Result rc = storage.Read(nodeOffset, buffer.Slice(0, (int)nodeSize));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Validate the header.
NodeHeader header = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, NodeHeader>(buffer)[0];
rc = header.Verify(nodeIndex, nodeSize, sizeof(long));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Create the node and find.
var node = new StorageNode(sizeof(long), header.Count);
node.Find(buffer, virtualAddress);
if (node.GetIndex() < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeVirtualOffset.Log();
// Return the index.
outIndex = (int)Tree.GetEntrySetIndex(header.Index, node.GetIndex());
return Result.Success;
private Result FindEntry(long virtualAddress, int entrySetIndex)
long entrySetSize = Tree.NodeSize;
using (var rented = new RentedArray<byte>((int)entrySetSize))
return FindEntryWithBuffer(virtualAddress, entrySetIndex, rented.Span);
private Result FindEntryWithBuffer(long virtualAddress, int entrySetIndex, Span<byte> buffer)
// Calculate entry set extents.
long entrySize = Tree.EntrySize;
long entrySetSize = Tree.NodeSize;
long entrySetOffset = entrySetIndex * entrySetSize;
SubStorage2 storage = Tree.EntryStorage;
// Read the entry set.
Result rc = storage.Read(entrySetOffset, buffer.Slice(0, (int)entrySetSize));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Validate the entry set.
EntrySetHeader entrySet = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, EntrySetHeader>(buffer)[0];
rc = entrySet.Header.Verify(entrySetIndex, entrySetSize, entrySize);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Create the node, and find.
var node = new StorageNode(entrySize, entrySet.Info.Count);
node.Find(buffer, virtualAddress);
if (node.GetIndex() < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeVirtualOffset.Log();
// Copy the data into entry.
int entryIndex = node.GetIndex();
long entryOffset = GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(0, entrySize, entryIndex);
buffer.Slice((int)entryOffset, (int)entrySize).CopyTo(Entry);
// Set our entry set/index.
_entrySet = entrySet;
EntryIndex = entryIndex;
return Result.Success;
private struct StorageNode
private Offset _start;
private int _count;
private int _index;
public StorageNode(long size, int count)
_start = new Offset(NodeHeaderSize, (int)size);
_count = count;
_index = -1;
public int GetIndex() => _index;
public void Find(ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer, long virtualAddress)
int end = _count;
Offset pos = _start;
while (end > 0)
int half = end / 2;
Offset mid = pos + half;
long offset = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt64LittleEndian(buffer.Slice((int)mid.Get()));
if (offset <= virtualAddress)
pos = mid + 1;
end -= half + 1;
end = half;
_index = (int)(pos - _start) - 1;
private readonly struct Offset
private readonly long _offset;
private readonly int _stride;
public Offset(long offset, int stride)
_offset = offset;
_stride = stride;
public long Get() => _offset;
public static Offset operator ++(Offset left) => left + 1;
public static Offset operator --(Offset left) => left - 1;
public static Offset operator +(Offset left, long right) => new Offset(left._offset + right * left._stride, left._stride);
public static Offset operator -(Offset left, long right) => new Offset(left._offset - right * left._stride, left._stride);
public static long operator -(Offset left, Offset right) =>
(left._offset - right._offset) / left._stride;
public static bool operator ==(Offset left, Offset right) => left._offset == right._offset;
public static bool operator !=(Offset left, Offset right) => left._offset != right._offset;
public bool Equals(Offset other) => _offset == other._offset;
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is Offset other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode() => _offset.GetHashCode();
@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using LibHac.Common;
using LibHac.Diag;
using LibHac.Fs;
namespace LibHac.FsSystem
public partial class BucketTree2
private const uint ExpectedMagic = 0x52544B42; // BKTR
private const int MaxVersion = 1;
private const int NodeSizeMin = 1024;
private const int NodeSizeMax = 1024 * 512;
private static int NodeHeaderSize => Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>();
private SubStorage2 NodeStorage { get; set; }
private SubStorage2 EntryStorage { get; set; }
private NodeBuffer _nodeL1 = new NodeBuffer();
private long NodeSize { get; set; }
private long EntrySize { get; set; }
private int OffsetCount { get; set; }
private int EntrySetCount { get; set; }
private long StartOffset { get; set; }
private long EndOffset { get; set; }
public Result Initialize(SubStorage2 nodeStorage, SubStorage2 entryStorage, int nodeSize, int entrySize,
int entryCount)
Assert.AssertTrue(entrySize >= sizeof(long));
Assert.AssertTrue(nodeSize >= entrySize + Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
Assert.AssertTrue(NodeSizeMin <= nodeSize && nodeSize <= NodeSizeMax);
// Ensure valid entry count.
if (entryCount <= 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidArgument.Log();
// Allocate node.
if (!_nodeL1.Allocate(nodeSize))
return ResultFs.BufferAllocationFailed.Log();
bool needFree = true;
// Read node.
Result rc = nodeStorage.Read(0, _nodeL1.GetBuffer());
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Verify node.
rc = _nodeL1.GetHeader().Verify(0, nodeSize, sizeof(long));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Validate offsets.
int offsetCount = GetOffsetCount(nodeSize);
int entrySetCount = GetEntrySetCount(nodeSize, entrySize, entryCount);
BucketTreeNode<long> node = _nodeL1.GetNode<long>();
long startOffset;
if (offsetCount < entrySetCount && node.GetCount() < offsetCount)
startOffset = node.GetL2BeginOffset();
startOffset = node.GetBeginOffset();
long endOffset = node.GetEndOffset();
if (startOffset < 0 || startOffset > node.GetBeginOffset() || startOffset >= endOffset)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeEntryOffset.Log();
NodeStorage = nodeStorage;
EntryStorage = entryStorage;
NodeSize = nodeSize;
EntrySize = entrySize;
OffsetCount = offsetCount;
EntrySetCount = entrySetCount;
StartOffset = startOffset;
EndOffset = endOffset;
needFree = false;
return Result.Success;
if (needFree)
public bool IsInitialized() => NodeSize > 0;
public bool IsEmpty() => EntrySize == 0;
public long GetStart() => StartOffset;
public long GetEnd() => EndOffset;
public long GetSize() => EndOffset - StartOffset;
public bool Includes(long offset)
return StartOffset <= offset && offset < EndOffset;
public bool Includes(long offset, long size)
return size > 0 && StartOffset <= offset && size <= EndOffset - offset;
public Result Find(ref Visitor visitor, long virtualAddress)
if (virtualAddress < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidOffset.Log();
if (IsEmpty())
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
Result rc = visitor.Initialize(this);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
return visitor.Find(virtualAddress);
public static int QueryHeaderStorageSize() => Unsafe.SizeOf<Header>();
public static long QueryNodeStorageSize(long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryCount)
Assert.AssertTrue(entrySize >= sizeof(long));
Assert.AssertTrue(nodeSize >= entrySize + Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
Assert.AssertTrue(NodeSizeMin <= nodeSize && nodeSize <= NodeSizeMax);
Assert.AssertTrue(entryCount >= 0);
if (entryCount <= 0)
return 0;
return (1 + GetNodeL2Count(nodeSize, entrySize, entryCount)) * nodeSize;
public static long QueryEntryStorageSize(long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryCount)
Assert.AssertTrue(entrySize >= sizeof(long));
Assert.AssertTrue(nodeSize >= entrySize + Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
Assert.AssertTrue(NodeSizeMin <= nodeSize && nodeSize <= NodeSizeMax);
Assert.AssertTrue(entryCount >= 0);
if (entryCount <= 0)
return 0;
return GetEntrySetCount(nodeSize, entrySize, entryCount) * nodeSize;
private static int GetEntryCount(long nodeSize, long entrySize)
return (int)((nodeSize - Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>()) / entrySize);
private static int GetOffsetCount(long nodeSize)
return (int)((nodeSize - Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>()) / sizeof(long));
private static int GetEntrySetCount(long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryCount)
int entryCountPerNode = GetEntryCount(nodeSize, entrySize);
return Util.DivideByRoundUp(entryCount, entryCountPerNode);
public static int GetNodeL2Count(long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryCount)
int offsetCountPerNode = GetOffsetCount(nodeSize);
int entrySetCount = GetEntrySetCount(nodeSize, entrySize, entryCount);
if (entrySetCount <= offsetCountPerNode)
return 0;
int nodeL2Count = Util.DivideByRoundUp(entrySetCount, offsetCountPerNode);
Abort.DoAbortUnless(nodeL2Count <= offsetCountPerNode);
return Util.DivideByRoundUp(entrySetCount - (offsetCountPerNode - (nodeL2Count - 1)), offsetCountPerNode);
private static long GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(long entrySetOffset, long entrySize, int entryIndex)
return entrySetOffset + Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>() + entryIndex * entrySize;
private static long GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(int entrySetIndex, long nodeSize, long entrySize, int entryIndex)
return GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(entrySetIndex * nodeSize, entrySize, entryIndex);
private bool IsExistL2() => OffsetCount < EntrySetCount;
private bool IsExistOffsetL2OnL1() => IsExistL2() && _nodeL1.GetHeader().Count < OffsetCount;
private long GetEntrySetIndex(int nodeIndex, int offsetIndex)
return (OffsetCount - _nodeL1.GetHeader().Count) + (OffsetCount * nodeIndex) + offsetIndex;
public struct Header
public uint Magic;
public uint Version;
public int EntryCount;
#pragma warning disable 414
private int _reserved;
#pragma warning restore 414
public void Format(int entryCount)
Magic = ExpectedMagic;
Version = MaxVersion;
EntryCount = entryCount;
_reserved = 0;
public Result Verify()
if (Magic != ExpectedMagic)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeSignature.Log();
if (EntryCount < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeEntryCount.Log();
if (Version > MaxVersion)
return ResultFs.UnsupportedVersion.Log();
return Result.Success;
public struct NodeHeader
public int Index;
public int Count;
public long Offset;
public Result Verify(int nodeIndex, long nodeSize, long entrySize)
if (Index != nodeIndex)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeIndex.Log();
if (entrySize == 0 || nodeSize < entrySize + NodeHeaderSize)
return ResultFs.InvalidSize.Log();
long maxEntryCount = (nodeSize - NodeHeaderSize) / entrySize;
if (Count <= 0 || maxEntryCount < Count)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeEntryCount.Log();
if (Offset < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeOffset.Log();
return Result.Success;
private struct NodeBuffer
// Use long to ensure alignment
private long[] _header;
public bool Allocate(int nodeSize)
Assert.AssertTrue(_header == null);
_header = new long[nodeSize / sizeof(long)];
return _header != null;
public void Free()
_header = null;
public void FillZero()
if (_header != null)
Array.Fill(_header, 0);
public ref NodeHeader GetHeader()
Assert.AssertTrue(_header.Length / sizeof(long) >= Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
return ref Unsafe.As<long, NodeHeader>(ref _header[0]);
public Span<byte> GetBuffer()
return MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(_header.AsSpan());
public BucketTreeNode<TEntry> GetNode<TEntry>() where TEntry : unmanaged
return new BucketTreeNode<TEntry>(GetBuffer());
public readonly ref struct BucketTreeNode<TEntry> where TEntry : unmanaged
private readonly Span<byte> _buffer;
public BucketTreeNode(Span<byte> buffer)
_buffer = buffer;
Assert.AssertTrue(_buffer.Length >= Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>());
Assert.AssertTrue(_buffer.Length >= Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>() + GetHeader().Count * Unsafe.SizeOf<TEntry>());
public int GetCount() => GetHeader().Count;
public ReadOnlySpan<TEntry> GetArray() => GetWritableArray();
internal Span<TEntry> GetWritableArray() => GetWritableArray<TEntry>();
public long GetBeginOffset() => GetArray<long>()[0];
public long GetEndOffset() => GetHeader().Offset;
public long GetL2BeginOffset() => GetArray<long>()[GetCount()];
public ReadOnlySpan<TElement> GetArray<TElement>() where TElement : unmanaged
return GetWritableArray<TElement>();
private Span<TElement> GetWritableArray<TElement>() where TElement : unmanaged
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, TElement>(_buffer.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<NodeHeader>()));
internal ref NodeHeader GetHeader()
return ref Unsafe.As<byte, NodeHeader>(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(_buffer));
public ref struct Visitor
private BucketTree2 Tree { get; set; }
private byte[] Entry { get; set; }
private int EntryIndex { get; set; }
private int EntrySetCount { get; set; }
private EntrySetHeader _entrySet;
private struct EntrySetHeader
// ReSharper disable once MemberHidesStaticFromOuterClass
[FieldOffset(0)] public NodeHeader Header;
[FieldOffset(0)] public EntrySetInfo Info;
public struct EntrySetInfo
public int Index;
public int Count;
public long End;
public long Start;
public Result Initialize(BucketTree2 tree)
Assert.AssertTrue(tree != null);
Assert.AssertTrue(Tree == null || tree == Tree);
if (Entry == null)
Entry = new byte[tree.EntrySize];
Tree = tree;
EntryIndex = -1;
return Result.Success;
public void Dispose()
// todo: try using shared arrays
public bool IsValid() => EntryIndex >= 0;
public bool CanMoveNext()
return IsValid() && (EntryIndex + 1 < _entrySet.Info.Count || _entrySet.Info.Index + 1 < EntrySetCount);
public bool CanMovePrevious()
return IsValid() && (EntryIndex > 0 || _entrySet.Info.Index > 0);
public ref T Get<T>() where T : unmanaged
return ref MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, T>(Entry)[0];
public Result MoveNext()
Result rc;
if (!IsValid())
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
int entryIndex = EntryIndex + 1;
// Invalidate our index, and read the header for the next index.
if (entryIndex == _entrySet.Info.Count)
int entrySetIndex = _entrySet.Info.Index + 1;
if (entrySetIndex >= EntrySetCount)
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
EntryIndex = -1;
long end = _entrySet.Info.End;
long entrySetSize = Tree.NodeSize;
long entrySetOffset = entrySetIndex * entrySetSize;
rc = Tree.EntryStorage.Read(entrySetOffset, SpanHelpers.AsByteSpan(ref _entrySet));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
rc = _entrySet.Header.Verify(entrySetIndex, entrySetSize, Tree.EntrySize);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
if (_entrySet.Info.Start != end || _entrySet.Info.Start >= _entrySet.Info.End)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeEntrySetOffset.Log();
entryIndex = 0;
EntryIndex = 1;
// Read the new entry
long entrySize = Tree.EntrySize;
long entryOffset = GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(_entrySet.Info.Index, Tree.NodeSize, entrySize, entryIndex);
rc = Tree.EntryStorage.Read(entryOffset, Entry);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Note that we changed index.
EntryIndex = entryIndex;
return Result.Success;
public Result MovePrevious()
Result rc;
if (!IsValid())
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
int entryIndex = EntryIndex;
if (entryIndex == 0)
if (_entrySet.Info.Index <= 0)
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
EntryIndex = -1;
long start = _entrySet.Info.Start;
long entrySetSize = Tree.NodeSize;
int entrySetIndex = _entrySet.Info.Index - 1;
long entrySetOffset = entrySetIndex * entrySetSize;
rc = Tree.EntryStorage.Read(entrySetOffset, SpanHelpers.AsByteSpan(ref _entrySet));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
rc = _entrySet.Header.Verify(entrySetIndex, entrySetSize, Tree.EntrySize);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
if (_entrySet.Info.End != start || _entrySet.Info.Start >= _entrySet.Info.End)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeEntrySetOffset.Log();
entryIndex = _entrySet.Info.Count;
EntryIndex = -1;
// Read the new entry
long entrySize = Tree.EntrySize;
long entryOffset = GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(_entrySet.Info.Index, Tree.NodeSize, entrySize, entryIndex);
rc = Tree.EntryStorage.Read(entryOffset, Entry);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Note that we changed index.
EntryIndex = entryIndex;
return Result.Success;
public Result Find(long virtualAddress)
Result rc;
// Get the node.
BucketTreeNode<long> node = Tree._nodeL1.GetNode<long>();
if (virtualAddress >= node.GetEndOffset())
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
int entrySetIndex;
if (Tree.IsExistOffsetL2OnL1() && virtualAddress < node.GetBeginOffset())
// The portion of the L2 offsets containing our target offset is stored in the L1 node
ReadOnlySpan<long> offsets = node.GetArray<long>().Slice(node.GetCount());
int index = offsets.BinarySearch(virtualAddress);
if (index < 0) index = (~index) - 1;
if (index < 0)
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
entrySetIndex = index;
ReadOnlySpan<long> offsets = node.GetArray<long>().Slice(0, node.GetCount());
int index = offsets.BinarySearch(virtualAddress);
if (index < 0) index = (~index) - 1;
if (index < 0)
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
if (Tree.IsExistL2())
if (index >= Tree.OffsetCount)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeOffset.Log();
rc = FindEntrySet(out entrySetIndex, virtualAddress, index);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
entrySetIndex = index;
// Validate the entry set index.
if (entrySetIndex < 0 || entrySetIndex >= Tree.EntrySetCount)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeNodeOffset.Log();
// Find the entry.
rc = FindEntry(virtualAddress, entrySetIndex);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Set count.
EntrySetCount = Tree.EntrySetCount;
return Result.Success;
private Result FindEntrySet(out int entrySetIndex, long virtualAddress, int nodeIndex)
long nodeSize = Tree.NodeSize;
using (var rented = new RentedArray<byte>((int)nodeSize))
return FindEntrySetWithBuffer(out entrySetIndex, virtualAddress, nodeIndex, rented.Span);
private Result FindEntrySetWithBuffer(out int outIndex, long virtualAddress, int nodeIndex,
Span<byte> buffer)
outIndex = default;
// Calculate node extents.
long nodeSize = Tree.NodeSize;
long nodeOffset = (nodeIndex + 1) * nodeSize;
SubStorage2 storage = Tree.NodeStorage;
// Read the node.
Result rc = storage.Read(nodeOffset, buffer.Slice(0, (int)nodeSize));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Validate the header.
NodeHeader header = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, NodeHeader>(buffer)[0];
rc = header.Verify(nodeIndex, nodeSize, sizeof(long));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Create the node and find.
var node = new StorageNode(sizeof(long), header.Count);
node.Find(buffer, virtualAddress);
if (node.GetIndex() < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeVirtualOffset.Log();
// Return the index.
outIndex = (int)Tree.GetEntrySetIndex(header.Index, node.GetIndex());
return Result.Success;
private Result FindEntry(long virtualAddress, int entrySetIndex)
long entrySetSize = Tree.NodeSize;
using (var rented = new RentedArray<byte>((int)entrySetSize))
return FindEntryWithBuffer(virtualAddress, entrySetIndex, rented.Span);
private Result FindEntryWithBuffer(long virtualAddress, int entrySetIndex, Span<byte> buffer)
// Calculate entry set extents.
long entrySize = Tree.EntrySize;
long entrySetSize = Tree.NodeSize;
long entrySetOffset = entrySetIndex * entrySetSize;
SubStorage2 storage = Tree.EntryStorage;
// Read the entry set.
Result rc = storage.Read(entrySetOffset, buffer.Slice(0, (int)entrySetSize));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Validate the entry set.
EntrySetHeader entrySet = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, EntrySetHeader>(buffer)[0];
rc = entrySet.Header.Verify(entrySetIndex, entrySetSize, entrySize);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
// Create the node, and find.
var node = new StorageNode(entrySize, entrySet.Info.Count);
node.Find(buffer, virtualAddress);
if (node.GetIndex() < 0)
return ResultFs.InvalidBucketTreeVirtualOffset.Log();
// Copy the data into entry.
int entryIndex = node.GetIndex();
long entryOffset = GetBucketTreeEntryOffset(0, entrySize, entryIndex);
buffer.Slice((int)entryOffset, (int)entrySize).CopyTo(Entry);
// Set our entry set/index.
_entrySet = entrySet;
EntryIndex = entryIndex;
return Result.Success;
private struct StorageNode
private Offset _start;
private int _count;
private int _index;
public StorageNode(long size, int count)
_start = new Offset(NodeHeaderSize, (int)size);
_count = count;
_index = -1;
public int GetIndex() => _index;
public void Find(ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer, long virtualAddress)
int end = _count;
Offset pos = _start;
while (end > 0)
int half = end / 2;
Offset mid = pos + half;
long offset = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt64LittleEndian(buffer.Slice((int)mid.Get()));
if (offset <= virtualAddress)
pos = mid + 1;
end -= half + 1;
end = half;
_index = (int)(pos - _start) - 1;
private readonly struct Offset
private readonly long _offset;
private readonly int _stride;
public Offset(long offset, int stride)
_offset = offset;
_stride = stride;
public long Get() => _offset;
public static Offset operator ++(Offset left) => left + 1;
public static Offset operator --(Offset left) => left - 1;
public static Offset operator +(Offset left, long right) => new Offset(left._offset + right * left._stride, left._stride);
public static Offset operator -(Offset left, long right) => new Offset(left._offset - right * left._stride, left._stride);
public static long operator -(Offset left, Offset right) =>
(left._offset - right._offset) / left._stride;
public static bool operator ==(Offset left, Offset right) => left._offset == right._offset;
public static bool operator !=(Offset left, Offset right) => left._offset != right._offset;
public bool Equals(Offset other) => _offset == other._offset;
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is Offset other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode() => _offset.GetHashCode();
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ using LibHac.Fs;
namespace LibHac.FsSystem
public partial class BucketTree2
public partial class BucketTree
public class Builder
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ namespace LibHac.FsSystem
public static readonly int StorageCount = 2;
public static readonly int NodeSize = 1024 * 16;
private BucketTree2 Table { get; } = new BucketTree2();
private BucketTree Table { get; } = new BucketTree();
private SubStorage2[] DataStorage { get; } = new SubStorage2[StorageCount];
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 0x14)]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 0x14, Pack = 4)]
public struct Entry
private long VirtualOffset;
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ namespace LibHac.FsSystem
public long GetPhysicalOffset() => PhysicalOffset;
public static long QueryHeaderStorageSize() => BucketTree2.QueryHeaderStorageSize();
public static long QueryHeaderStorageSize() => BucketTree.QueryHeaderStorageSize();
public static long QueryNodeStorageSize(int entryCount) =>
BucketTree2.QueryNodeStorageSize(NodeSize, Unsafe.SizeOf<Entry>(), entryCount);
BucketTree.QueryNodeStorageSize(NodeSize, Unsafe.SizeOf<Entry>(), entryCount);
public static long QueryEntryStorageSize(int entryCount) =>
BucketTree2.QueryEntryStorageSize(NodeSize, Unsafe.SizeOf<Entry>(), entryCount);
BucketTree.QueryEntryStorageSize(NodeSize, Unsafe.SizeOf<Entry>(), entryCount);
public bool IsInitialized() => Table.IsInitialized();
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace LibHac.FsSystem
// Read and verify the bucket tree header.
// note: skip init
var header = new BucketTree2.Header();
var header = new BucketTree.Header();
Result rc = tableStorage.Read(0, SpanHelpers.AsByteSpan(ref header));
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ namespace LibHac.FsSystem
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
// Find the offset in our tree
var visitor = new BucketTree2.Visitor();
var visitor = new BucketTree.Visitor();
Result rc = Table.Find(ref visitor, offset);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ namespace LibHac.FsSystem
return ResultFs.OutOfRange.Log();
// Find the offset in our tree
var visitor = new BucketTree2.Visitor();
var visitor = new BucketTree.Visitor();
Result rc = Table.Find(ref visitor, offset);
if (rc.IsFailure()) return rc;
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ namespace LibHac.FsSystem.NcaUtils
var cachedBucketTreeData = new CachedStorage(encryptionBucketTreeData, IndirectStorage.NodeSize, 6, true);
var treeHeader = new BucketTree2.Header();
var treeHeader = new BucketTree.Header();
info.EncryptionTreeHeader.CopyTo(SpanHelpers.AsByteSpan(ref treeHeader));
long nodeStorageSize = IndirectStorage.QueryNodeStorageSize(treeHeader.EntryCount);
long entryStorageSize = IndirectStorage.QueryEntryStorageSize(treeHeader.EntryCount);
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ namespace LibHac.FsSystem.NcaUtils
return patchStorage;
var treeHeader = new BucketTree2.Header();
var treeHeader = new BucketTree.Header();
patchInfo.RelocationTreeHeader.CopyTo(SpanHelpers.AsByteSpan(ref treeHeader));
long nodeStorageSize = IndirectStorage.QueryNodeStorageSize(treeHeader.EntryCount);
long entryStorageSize = IndirectStorage.QueryEntryStorageSize(treeHeader.EntryCount);
Reference in a new issue