diff --git a/src/LibHac/FsService/IDeviceOperator.cs b/src/LibHac/FsService/IDeviceOperator.cs
index 943b71fe..bbb5b218 100644
--- a/src/LibHac/FsService/IDeviceOperator.cs
+++ b/src/LibHac/FsService/IDeviceOperator.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
public interface IDeviceOperator
+ Result IsSdCardInserted(out bool isInserted);
+ Result IsGameCardInserted(out bool isInserted);
+ Result GetGameCardHandle(out GameCardHandle handle);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/LibHac/FsService/Permissions.cs b/src/LibHac/FsService/Permissions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa773235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LibHac/FsService/Permissions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+using System;
+namespace LibHac.FsService
+ ///
+ /// Permissions that control which storages or filesystems can be mounted or opened.
+ ///
+ public enum AccessPermissions
+ {
+ MountLogo = 0x0,
+ MountContentMeta = 0x1,
+ MountContentControl = 0x2,
+ MountContentManual = 0x3,
+ MountContentData = 0x4,
+ MountApplicationPackage = 0x5,
+ MountSaveDataStorage = 0x6,
+ MountContentStorage = 0x7,
+ MountImageAndVideoStorage = 0x8,
+ MountCloudBackupWorkStorage = 0x9,
+ MountCustomStorage = 0xA,
+ MountBisCalibrationFile = 0xB,
+ MountBisSafeMode = 0xC,
+ MountBisUser = 0xD,
+ MountBisSystem = 0xE,
+ MountBisSystemProperEncryption = 0xF,
+ MountBisSystemProperPartition = 0x10,
+ MountSdCard = 0x11,
+ MountGameCard = 0x12,
+ MountDeviceSaveData = 0x13,
+ MountSystemSaveData = 0x14,
+ MountOthersSaveData = 0x15,
+ MountOthersSystemSaveData = 0x16,
+ OpenBisPartitionBootPartition1Root = 0x17,
+ OpenBisPartitionBootPartition2Root = 0x18,
+ OpenBisPartitionUserDataRoot = 0x19,
+ OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part1 = 0x1A,
+ OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part2 = 0x1B,
+ OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part3 = 0x1C,
+ OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part4 = 0x1D,
+ OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part5 = 0x1E,
+ OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part6 = 0x1F,
+ OpenBisPartitionCalibrationBinary = 0x20,
+ OpenBisPartitionCalibrationFile = 0x21,
+ OpenBisPartitionSafeMode = 0x22,
+ OpenBisPartitionUser = 0x23,
+ OpenBisPartitionSystem = 0x24,
+ OpenBisPartitionSystemProperEncryption = 0x25,
+ OpenBisPartitionSystemProperPartition = 0x26,
+ OpenSdCardStorage = 0x27,
+ OpenGameCardStorage = 0x28,
+ MountSystemDataPrivate = 0x29,
+ MountHost = 0x2A,
+ MountRegisteredUpdatePartition = 0x2B,
+ MountSaveDataInternalStorage = 0x2C,
+ NotMountCustomStorage = 0x2D
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Permissions that control which actions can be performed.
+ ///
+ public enum ActionPermissions
+ {
+ // Todo
+ }
+ public static class PermissionUtils
+ {
+ public static ulong GetPermissionMask(AccessPermissions id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case AccessPermissions.MountLogo:
+ return 0x8000000000000801;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountContentMeta:
+ return 0x8000000000000801;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountContentControl:
+ return 0x8000000000000801;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountContentManual:
+ return 0x8000000000000801;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountContentData:
+ return 0x8000000000000801;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountApplicationPackage:
+ return 0x8000000000000801;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountSaveDataStorage:
+ return 0x8000000000000000;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountContentStorage:
+ return 0x8000000000000800;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountImageAndVideoStorage:
+ return 0x8000000000001000;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountCloudBackupWorkStorage:
+ return 0x8000000200000000;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountCustomStorage:
+ return 0x8000000000000000;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountBisCalibrationFile:
+ return 0x8000000000000084;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountBisSafeMode:
+ return 0x8000000000000080;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountBisUser:
+ return 0x8000000000008080;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountBisSystem:
+ return 0x8000000000008080;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountBisSystemProperEncryption:
+ return 0x8000000000000080;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountBisSystemProperPartition:
+ return 0x8000000000000080;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountSdCard:
+ return 0xC000000000200000;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountGameCard:
+ return 0x8000000000000010;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountDeviceSaveData:
+ return 0x8000000000040020;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountSystemSaveData:
+ return 0x8000000000000028;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountOthersSaveData:
+ return 0x8000000000000020;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountOthersSystemSaveData:
+ return 0x8000000000000020;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionBootPartition1Root:
+ return 0x8000000000010082;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionBootPartition2Root:
+ return 0x8000000000010080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionUserDataRoot:
+ return 0x8000000000000080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part1:
+ return 0x8000000000010080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part2:
+ return 0x8000000000010080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part3:
+ return 0x8000000000010080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part4:
+ return 0x8000000000010080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part5:
+ return 0x8000000000010080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionBootConfigAndPackage2Part6:
+ return 0x8000000000010080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionCalibrationBinary:
+ return 0x8000000000000084;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionCalibrationFile:
+ return 0x8000000000000084;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionSafeMode:
+ return 0x8000000000000080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionUser:
+ return 0x8000000000000080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionSystem:
+ return 0x8000000000000080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionSystemProperEncryption:
+ return 0x8000000000000080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenBisPartitionSystemProperPartition:
+ return 0x8000000000000080;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenSdCardStorage:
+ return 0xC000000000200000;
+ case AccessPermissions.OpenGameCardStorage:
+ return 0x8000000000000100;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountSystemDataPrivate:
+ return 0x8000000000100008;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountHost:
+ return 0xC000000000400000;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountRegisteredUpdatePartition:
+ return 0x8000000000010000;
+ case AccessPermissions.MountSaveDataInternalStorage:
+ return 0x8000000000000000;
+ case AccessPermissions.NotMountCustomStorage:
+ return 0x0;
+ default:
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(id), id, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }