diff --git a/src/LibHac/FsSystem/HierarchicalSha256Storage.cs b/src/LibHac/FsSystem/HierarchicalSha256Storage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e892538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LibHac/FsSystem/HierarchicalSha256Storage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using LibHac.Common;
+using LibHac.Crypto;
+using LibHac.Diag;
+using LibHac.Fs;
+using LibHac.Os;
+using LibHac.Util;
+namespace LibHac.FsSystem;
+file static class Anonymous
+ public static int Log2(int value)
+ {
+ Assert.SdkRequiresGreater(value, 0);
+ Assert.SdkRequires(BitUtil.IsPowerOfTwo(value));
+ int log = 0;
+ while ((value >>= 1) > 0)
+ {
+ log++;
+ }
+ return log;
+ }
+/// Read and writes the storages generally used by code filesystems in NCAs. These use a Merkle tree to verify the
+/// integrity of the data.
+/// Based on nnSdk 17.5.0 (FS 17.0.0)
+public class HierarchicalSha256Storage : IStorage
+ private const int LayerCount = 3;
+ private const int HashSize = Sha256.DigestSize;
+ private ValueSubStorage _baseStorage;
+ private long _baseStorageSize;
+ private Memory _hashBuffer;
+ private int _hashTargetBlockSize;
+ private int _log2SizeRatio;
+ private IHash256GeneratorFactory _hashGeneratorFactory;
+ private SdkMutexType _mutex;
+ [InlineArray(LayerCount), NonCopyableDisposable]
+ public struct BaseStorages : IDisposable
+ {
+ private ValueSubStorage _0;
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < LayerCount; i++)
+ {
+ this[i].Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public HierarchicalSha256Storage()
+ {
+ _baseStorage = new ValueSubStorage();
+ _mutex = new SdkMutexType();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose()
+ {
+ _baseStorage.Dispose();
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ public Result Initialize(ref readonly BaseStorages baseStorages, int layerCount, uint hashTargetBlockSize,
+ Memory hashBuffer, IHash256GeneratorFactory hashGeneratorFactory)
+ {
+ Assert.SdkRequiresEqual(layerCount, LayerCount);
+ Assert.SdkRequires(BitUtil.IsPowerOfTwo(hashTargetBlockSize));
+ Assert.SdkRequiresNotNull(hashGeneratorFactory);
+ _hashTargetBlockSize = (int)hashTargetBlockSize;
+ _log2SizeRatio = Anonymous.Log2((int)(hashTargetBlockSize / HashSize));
+ _hashGeneratorFactory = hashGeneratorFactory;
+ Result res = baseStorages[2].GetSize(out _baseStorageSize);
+ if (res.IsFailure()) return res.Miss();
+ if (_baseStorageSize > HashSize << _log2SizeRatio << _log2SizeRatio)
+ {
+ _baseStorageSize = 0;
+ return ResultFs.HierarchicalSha256BaseStorageTooLarge.Log();
+ }
+ _hashBuffer = hashBuffer;
+ _baseStorage.Set(in baseStorages[2]);
+ Span masterHash = stackalloc byte[HashSize];
+ res = baseStorages[0].Read(0, masterHash);
+ if (res.IsFailure()) return res.Miss();
+ res = baseStorages[1].GetSize(out long hashStorageSize);
+ if (res.IsFailure()) return res.Miss();
+ Assert.SdkRequiresAligned(hashStorageSize, HashSize);
+ Assert.SdkRequiresLessEqual(hashStorageSize, _hashTargetBlockSize);
+ Assert.SdkRequiresLessEqual(hashStorageSize, hashBuffer.Length);
+ Span buffer = _hashBuffer.Span.Slice(0, (int)hashStorageSize);
+ res = baseStorages[1].Read(0, buffer);
+ if (res.IsFailure()) return res.Miss();
+ Span hash = stackalloc byte[HashSize];
+ res = _hashGeneratorFactory.GenerateHash(hash, buffer);
+ if (res.IsFailure()) return res.Miss();
+ if (!CryptoUtil.IsSameBytes(hash, masterHash, HashSize))
+ return ResultFs.HierarchicalSha256HashVerificationFailed.Log();
+ return Result.Success;
+ }
+ public override Result Read(long offset, Span destination)
+ {
+ if (destination.Length == 0)
+ return Result.Success;
+ if (!Alignment.IsAligned(offset, (ulong)_hashTargetBlockSize))
+ return ResultFs.InvalidArgument.Log();
+ if (!Alignment.IsAligned(destination.Length, (ulong)_hashTargetBlockSize))
+ return ResultFs.InvalidArgument.Log();
+ // The last block in a HierarchicalSha256Storage is allowed to be a partial block, but reads are required to be
+ // in complete blocks. Calculate the actual amount of data we need to read from the base storage.
+ long reducedSize = Math.Min(_baseStorageSize, Alignment.AlignUp(offset + destination.Length, (ulong)_hashTargetBlockSize)) - offset;
+ Result res = _baseStorage.Read(offset, destination.Slice(0, (int)reducedSize));
+ if (res.IsFailure()) return res.Miss();
+ using var changeThreadPriority = new ScopedThreadPriorityChanger(1, ScopedThreadPriorityChanger.Mode.Relative);
+ Span hash = stackalloc byte[HashSize];
+ ReadOnlySpan hashBuffer = _hashBuffer.Span;
+ long currentOffset = offset;
+ long remainingSize = reducedSize;
+ while (remainingSize > 0)
+ {
+ long currentSize = Math.Min(_hashTargetBlockSize, remainingSize);
+ res = _hashGeneratorFactory.GenerateHash(hash, destination.Slice((int)(currentOffset - offset), (int)currentSize));
+ if (res.IsFailure()) return res.Miss();
+ Assert.SdkAssert((currentOffset >> _log2SizeRatio) < _hashBuffer.Length);
+ using (new ScopedLock(ref _mutex))
+ {
+ if (!CryptoUtil.IsSameBytes(hash, hashBuffer.Slice((int)(currentOffset >> _log2SizeRatio)), HashSize))
+ {
+ destination.Clear();
+ return ResultFs.HierarchicalSha256HashVerificationFailed.Log();
+ }
+ }
+ currentOffset += currentSize;
+ remainingSize -= currentOffset;
+ }
+ return Result.Success;
+ }
+ public override Result Write(long offset, ReadOnlySpan source)
+ {
+ // Succeed if zero-size.
+ if (source.Length == 0)
+ return Result.Success;
+ // Validate preconditions.
+ if (!Alignment.IsAligned(offset, (ulong)_hashTargetBlockSize))
+ return ResultFs.InvalidArgument.Log();
+ if (!Alignment.IsAligned(source.Length, (ulong)_hashTargetBlockSize))
+ return ResultFs.InvalidArgument.Log();
+ Span newHash = stackalloc byte[HashSize];
+ Span hashBuffer = _hashBuffer.Span;
+ // Setup tracking variables.
+ long reducedSize = Math.Min(_baseStorageSize, Alignment.AlignUp(offset + source.Length, (ulong)_hashTargetBlockSize)) - offset;
+ long currentOffset = offset;
+ long remainingSize = reducedSize;
+ while (remainingSize > 0)
+ {
+ Result res;
+ // Generate the hash of the region we're validating.
+ long currentSize = Math.Min(_hashTargetBlockSize, remainingSize);
+ // Temporarily increase our thread priority.
+ using (new ScopedThreadPriorityChanger(1, ScopedThreadPriorityChanger.Mode.Relative))
+ {
+ res = _hashGeneratorFactory.GenerateHash(newHash, source.Slice((int)(currentOffset - offset), (int)currentSize));
+ if (res.IsFailure()) return res.Miss();
+ }
+ // Write the data.
+ res = _baseStorage.Write(currentOffset, source.Slice((int)(currentOffset - offset), (int)currentSize));
+ if (res.IsFailure()) return res.Miss();
+ // Write the hash.
+ using (new ScopedLock(ref _mutex))
+ {
+ newHash.CopyTo(hashBuffer.Slice((int)(currentOffset >> _log2SizeRatio), HashSize));
+ }
+ // Advance.
+ currentOffset += currentSize;
+ remainingSize -= currentSize;
+ }
+ return Result.Success;
+ }
+ public override Result Flush()
+ {
+ return _baseStorage.Flush().Ret();
+ }
+ public override Result GetSize(out long size)
+ {
+ return _baseStorage.GetSize(out size).Ret();
+ }
+ public override Result SetSize(long size)
+ {
+ return ResultFs.UnsupportedSetSizeForHierarchicalSha256Storage.Log();
+ }
+ public override Result OperateRange(Span outBuffer, OperationId operationId, long offset, long size, ReadOnlySpan inBuffer)
+ {
+ if (operationId == OperationId.InvalidateCache)
+ {
+ return _baseStorage.OperateRange(OperationId.InvalidateCache, offset, size).Ret();
+ }
+ if (!Alignment.IsAligned(offset, (ulong)_hashTargetBlockSize))
+ return ResultFs.InvalidArgument.Log();
+ if (!Alignment.IsAligned(size, (ulong)_hashTargetBlockSize))
+ return ResultFs.InvalidArgument.Log();
+ long reducedSize = Math.Min(_baseStorageSize, Alignment.AlignUp(offset + size, (ulong)_hashTargetBlockSize)) - offset;
+ return _baseStorage.OperateRange(outBuffer, operationId, offset, reducedSize, inBuffer).Ret();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/LibHac/FsSystem/IHash256Generator.cs b/src/LibHac/FsSystem/IHash256Generator.cs
index 46a1475c..ebf8026b 100644
--- a/src/LibHac/FsSystem/IHash256Generator.cs
+++ b/src/LibHac/FsSystem/IHash256Generator.cs
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ public abstract class IHash256GeneratorFactory : IDisposable
return DoCreate(ref outGenerator);
- public void GenerateHash(Span hashBuffer, ReadOnlySpan data)
+ public Result GenerateHash(Span hashBuffer, ReadOnlySpan data)
Assert.SdkRequiresEqual(IHash256Generator.HashSize, hashBuffer.Length);
- DoGenerateHash(hashBuffer, data);
+ return DoGenerateHash(hashBuffer, data).Ret();
protected abstract Result DoCreate(ref UniqueRef outGenerator);
- protected abstract void DoGenerateHash(Span hashBuffer, ReadOnlySpan data);
+ protected abstract Result DoGenerateHash(Span hashBuffer, ReadOnlySpan data);