# LibHac [![NuGet](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/LibHac.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/LibHac) [![MyGet](https://img.shields.io/myget/libhac/vpre/libhac.svg?label=myget&style=flat-square)](https://www.myget.org/feed/libhac/package/nuget/LibHac) [![AppVeyor Build Status](https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/thealexbarney/LibHac/master.svg?style=flat-square)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Thealexbarney/libhac/history) LibHac is a .NET and .NET Core library for opening, decrypting and extracting common content file formats used by the Nintendo Switch. Most content is imported and exported using a standard `IStorage` interface. This means that reading nested file types and encryptions can easily be done by linking different file readers together. For example, the files from a title stored on the external SD card can be read or extracted in this way. `NAX0 Reader` -> `NCA Reader` -> `RomFS Reader` -> `Individual Files` ## Getting Started [Library Overview and Samples](docs/getting-started.md) # hactoolnet hactoolnet is an example program that uses LibHac. It is used in a similar manner to [hactool](https://github.com/SciresM/hactool). ## Usage ``` Usage: hactoolnet.exe [options...] <path> Options: -r, --raw Keep raw data, don't unpack. -y, --verify Verify all hashes in the input file. -h, --enablehash Enable hash checks when reading the input file. -d, --dev Decrypt with development keys instead of retail. -k, --keyset Load keys from an external file. -t, --intype=type Specify input file type [nca, xci, romfs, pfs0, pk11, pk21, ini1, kip1, switchfs, save, ndv0, keygen, romfsbuild, pfsbuild] --titlekeys <file> Load title keys from an external file. NCA options: --plaintext <file> Specify file path for saving a decrypted copy of the NCA. --header <file> Specify Header file path. --section0 <file> Specify Section 0 file path. --section1 <file> Specify Section 1 file path. --section2 <file> Specify Section 2 file path. --section3 <file> Specify Section 3 file path. --section0dir <dir> Specify Section 0 directory path. --section1dir <dir> Specify Section 1 directory path. --section2dir <dir> Specify Section 2 directory path. --section3dir <dir> Specify Section 3 directory path. --exefs <file> Specify ExeFS file path. --exefsdir <dir> Specify ExeFS directory path. --romfs <file> Specify RomFS file path. --romfsdir <dir> Specify RomFS directory path. --listromfs List files in RomFS. --basenca Set Base NCA to use with update partitions. RomFS options: --romfsdir <dir> Specify RomFS directory path. --listromfs List files in RomFS. RomFS creation options: Input path must be a directory --outfile <file> Specify created RomFS file path. Partition FS options: --outdir <dir> Specify extracted FS directory path. Partition FS creation options: Input path must be a directory --outfile <file> Specify created Partition FS file path. --hashedfs Create a hashed Partition FS (HFS0). XCI options: --rootdir <dir> Specify root XCI directory path. --updatedir <dir> Specify update XCI directory path. --normaldir <dir> Specify normal XCI directory path. --securedir <dir> Specify secure XCI directory path. --logodir <dir> Specify logo XCI directory path. --outdir <dir> Specify XCI directory path. --exefs <file> Specify main ExeFS file path. --exefsdir <dir> Specify main ExeFS directory path. --romfs <file> Specify main RomFS file path. --romfsdir <dir> Specify main RomFS directory path. --nspout <file> Specify file for the created NSP. Package1 options: --outdir <dir> Specify Package1 directory path. Package2 options: --outdir <dir> Specify Package2 directory path. INI1 options: --outdir <dir> Specify INI1 directory path. Switch FS options: --sdseed <seed> Set console unique seed for SD card NAX0 encryption. --listapps List application info. --listtitles List title info for all titles. --listncas List info for all NCAs. --title <title id> Specify title ID to use. --outdir <dir> Specify directory path to save title NCAs to. (--title must be specified) --exefs <file> Specify ExeFS directory path. (--title must be specified) --exefsdir <dir> Specify ExeFS directory path. (--title must be specified) --romfs <file> Specify RomFS directory path. (--title must be specified) --romfsdir <dir> Specify RomFS directory path. (--title must be specified) --savedir <dir> Specify save file directory path. -y, --verify Verify all titles, or verify a single title if --title is set. Save data options: --outdir <dir> Specify directory path to save contents to. --debugoutdir <dir> Specify directory path to save intermediate data to for debugging. --sign Sign the save file. (Requires device_key in key file) --trim Trim garbage data in the save file. (Requires device_key in key file) --listfiles List files in save file. --repack <dir> Replaces the contents of the save data with the specified directory. --replacefile <filename in save> <file> Replaces a file in the save data NDV0 (Delta) options: Input delta patch can be a delta NCA file or a delta fragment file. --basefile <file> Specify base file path. --outfile Specify patched file path. Keygen options: --outdir <dir> Specify directory path to save key files to. ``` ## Examples #### List applications on a Switch SD card or NAND `hactoolnet -t switchfs --sdseed <sd_seed> --listapps <sd_root_path>` #### Extract a title from an SD card or NAND as NCA files `hactoolnet -t switchfs --sdseed <sd_seed> --title <title_id> --outdir output <sd_root_path>` #### Extract the RomFS from a title from an SD card or NAND `hactoolnet -t switchfs --sdseed <sd_seed> --title <title_id> --romfsdir romfs <sd_root_path>` Specifying the base title ID will extract the unpatched title. Specifying the patch title ID will extract the patched title. ## External Keys For more detailed information on keyset files, see [KEYS.md](KEYS.md). Keys can be loaded from a text file by specifying a filename with the `-k` argument. The file should be in the same format read by [hactool](https://github.com/SciresM/hactool#external-keys): "Keyset files are text files containing one key per line, in the form "key_name = HEXADECIMALKEY". Case shouldn't matter, nor should whitespace." Console-unique keys can be loaded from a text file by specifying a filename with the `--consolekeys` argument. The file format is the same as the main keyset file. Title keys can be loaded from a text file by specifying a filename with the `--titlekeys` argument. The file should contain one key per line in the form `rights_id,HEXADECIMALKEY`. If a keyfile is not set at the command line, hactoolnet will search for and load keyfiles in `$HOME/.switch/prod.keys`, `$HOME/.switch/console.keys` and `$HOME/.switch/title.keys`. ## Special Thanks This project uses NDepend for static code analysis. [![NDepend link](img/NDependLogo.png)](https://www.ndepend.com/)