[CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)] [string[]]$BuildArguments ) Write-Output "PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) version $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)" Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0; $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; $ConfirmPreference = "None"; trap { Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Continue; exit 1 } $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent ########################################################################### # CONFIGURATION ########################################################################### $BuildProjectFile = "$PSScriptRoot\build\_build.csproj" $TempDirectory = "$PSScriptRoot\.tmp" $DotNetGlobalFile = "$PSScriptRoot\global.json" $DotNetInstallUrl = "https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.ps1" $DotNetChannel = "Current" $DotNetCliVersion = Get-Content DotnetCliVersion.txt $env:DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE = 1 $env:DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT = 1 $env:DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP = 0 ########################################################################### # EXECUTION ########################################################################### function ExecSafe([scriptblock] $cmd) { $LASTEXITCODE = 0 & $cmd if ($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } } try { $json = "{`"sdk`":{`"version`":`"$DotNetCliVersion`"}}" Out-File -FilePath $DotNetGlobalFile -Encoding utf8 -InputObject $json # If global.json exists, load expected version if (Test-Path $DotNetGlobalFile) { $DotNetVersion = $(Get-Content $DotNetGlobalFile | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json).sdk.version } $DotNetDirectory = "$TempDirectory\dotnet-win" $env:DOTNET_EXE = "$DotNetDirectory\dotnet.exe" # If dotnet is installed locally, and expected version is not set or installation matches the expected version if ($null -ne (Get-Command "dotnet" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and ` (!(Test-Path variable:DotNetVersion) -or $(& cmd.exe /c 'dotnet --version 2>&1') -eq $DotNetVersion)) { $env:DOTNET_EXE = (Get-Command "dotnet").Path } elseif ($null -eq (Get-Command $env:DOTNET_EXE -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or ` !(Test-Path variable:DotNetVersion) -or $(& cmd.exe /c "$env:DOTNET_EXE --version 2>&1") -ne $DotNetVersion) { # Download install script $DotNetInstallFile = "$TempDirectory\dotnet-install.ps1" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TempDirectory -Force | Out-Null [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($DotNetInstallUrl, $DotNetInstallFile) # Install by channel or version if (!(Test-Path variable:DotNetVersion)) { ExecSafe { & $DotNetInstallFile -InstallDir $DotNetDirectory -Channel $DotNetChannel -NoPath } } else { ExecSafe { & $DotNetInstallFile -InstallDir $DotNetDirectory -Version $DotNetVersion -NoPath } } } Write-Output "Microsoft (R) .NET Core SDK version $(& $env:DOTNET_EXE --version)" ExecSafe { & $env:DOTNET_EXE build $BuildProjectFile /nodeReuse:false /p:UseSharedCompilation=false -nologo -clp:NoSummary --verbosity quiet } ExecSafe { & $env:DOTNET_EXE run --project $BuildProjectFile --no-build -- $BuildArguments } } catch { Write-Output $_.Exception.Message } finally { if (Test-Path $DotNetGlobalFile) { Remove-Item $DotNetGlobalFile } }