using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using libhac; namespace hactoolnet { public static class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; var ctx = new Context(); ctx.Options = CliParser.Parse(args); if (ctx.Options == null) return; using (var logger = new ProgressBar()) { ctx.Logger = logger; OpenKeyset(ctx); if (ctx.Options.RunCustom) { CustomTask(ctx); return; } switch (ctx.Options.InFileType) { case FileType.Nca: ProcessNca(ctx); break; case FileType.Pfs0: break; case FileType.Romfs: break; case FileType.Nax0: break; case FileType.SwitchFs: ProcessSwitchFs(ctx); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } //ListSdfs(args); //FileReadTest(args); //ReadNca(); //ListSdfs(args); //ReadNcaSdfs(args); } private static void ProcessNca(Context ctx) { using (var file = new FileStream(ctx.Options.InFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var nca = new Nca(ctx.Keyset, file, false); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (ctx.Options.SectionOut[i] != null) { nca.ExportSection(i, ctx.Options.SectionOut[i], ctx.Options.Raw, ctx.Logger); } if (ctx.Options.SectionOutDir[i] != null) { nca.ExtractSection(i, ctx.Options.SectionOutDir[i], ctx.Logger); } if (ctx.Options.Validate && nca.Sections[i] != null) { nca.VerifySection(i, ctx.Logger); } } if (ctx.Options.ListRomFs && nca.Sections[1] != null) { var romfs = new Romfs(nca.OpenSection(1, false)); foreach (var romfsFile in romfs.Files) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage(romfsFile.FullPath); } } ctx.Logger.LogMessage(nca.Dump()); } } private static void ProcessSwitchFs(Context ctx) { var switchFs = new SdFs(ctx.Keyset, ctx.Options.InFile); if (ctx.Options.ListTitles) { ListTitles(switchFs); } if (ctx.Options.ListApps) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage(ListApplications(switchFs)); } if (ctx.Options.RomfsOutDir != null) { var id = ctx.Options.TitleId; if (id == 0) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage("Title ID must be specified to dump RomFS"); return; } if (!switchFs.Titles.TryGetValue(id, out var title)) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Could not find title {id:X16}"); return; } if (title.MainNca == null) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Could not find main data for title {id:X16}"); return; } var section = title.MainNca.Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == SectionType.Romfs); if (section == null) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Main NCA for title {id:X16} has no Rom FS section"); return; } var romfs = new Romfs(title.MainNca.OpenSection(section.SectionNum, false)); romfs.Extract(ctx.Options.RomfsOutDir, ctx.Logger); } if (ctx.Options.OutDir != null) { SaveTitle(ctx, switchFs); } } private static void OpenKeyset(Context ctx) { var home = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile); var homeKeyFile = Path.Combine(home, ".switch", "prod.keys"); var homeTitleKeyFile = Path.Combine(home, ".switch", "titlekeys.txt"); var keyFile = ctx.Options.Keyfile; var titleKeyFile = ctx.Options.TitleKeyFile; if (keyFile == null && File.Exists(homeKeyFile)) { keyFile = homeKeyFile; } if (titleKeyFile == null && File.Exists(homeTitleKeyFile)) { titleKeyFile = homeTitleKeyFile; } ctx.Keyset = ExternalKeys.ReadKeyFile(keyFile, titleKeyFile, ctx.Logger); if (ctx.Options.SdSeed != null) { ctx.Keyset.SetSdSeed(ctx.Options.SdSeed.ToBytes()); } } // For running random stuff // ReSharper disable once UnusedParameter.Local private static void CustomTask(Context ctx) { } private static void ListSdfs(string[] args) { var sdfs = LoadSdFs(args); Console.WriteLine("Listing NCA files"); ListNcas(sdfs); Console.WriteLine("Listing titles"); ListTitles(sdfs); Console.WriteLine("Listing applications"); ListApplications(sdfs); //DecryptNax0(sdfs, "C0628FB07A89E9050BDA258F74868E8D"); //DecryptTitle(sdfs, 0x010023900AEE0000); } static void FileReadTest(string[] args) { var sdfs = LoadSdFs(args); var title = sdfs.Titles[0x0100E95004038000]; var nca = title.MainNca; var romfsStream = nca.OpenSection(1, false); var romfs = new Romfs(romfsStream); var file = romfs.OpenFile("/stream/voice/us/127/127390101.nop"); using (var output = new FileStream("127390101.nop", FileMode.Create)) { file.CopyTo(output); } } static void ReadNca() { var keyset = ExternalKeys.ReadKeyFile("keys.txt", "titlekeys.txt"); using (var file = new FileStream("27eeccfe5f6e7637352273bc46ab97e4.nca", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var nca = new Nca(keyset, file, false); var romfsStream = nca.OpenSection(1, false); var romfs = new Romfs(romfsStream); var bfstm = romfs.OpenFile("/Sound/Resource/Stream/Demo149_1_SoundTrack.bfstm"); using (var progress = new ProgressBar()) using (var output = new FileStream("Demo149_1_SoundTrack.bfstm", FileMode.Create)) { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); bfstm.CopyStream(output, bfstm.Length, progress); watch.Stop(); progress.LogMessage(watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString()); } } } static void ReadNcaSdfs(string[] args) { var sdfs = LoadSdFs(args); var nca = sdfs.Ncas["8EE79C7AB0F16737BC50F049DFDBB595"]; var romfsStream = nca.OpenSection(1, false); var romfs = new Romfs(romfsStream); } static void DecryptNax0(SdFs sdFs, string name) { if (!sdFs.Ncas.ContainsKey(name)) return; var nca = sdFs.Ncas[name]; using (var output = new FileStream($"{nca.NcaId}.nca", FileMode.Create)) using (var progress = new ProgressBar()) { progress.LogMessage($"Title ID: {nca.Header.TitleId:X16}"); progress.LogMessage($"Writing {nca.NcaId}.nca"); nca.Stream.Position = 0; nca.Stream.CopyStream(output, nca.Stream.Length, progress); } } private static void SaveTitle(Context ctx, SdFs switchFs) { var id = ctx.Options.TitleId; if (id == 0) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage("Title ID must be specified to save title"); return; } if (!switchFs.Titles.TryGetValue(id, out var title)) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Could not find title {id:X16}"); return; } var saveDir = Path.Combine(ctx.Options.OutDir, $"{title.Id:X16}v{title.Version.Version}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(saveDir); foreach (var nca in title.Ncas) { nca.Stream.Position = 0; var outFile = Path.Combine(saveDir, nca.Filename); ctx.Logger.LogMessage(nca.Filename); using (var outStream = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { nca.Stream.CopyStream(outStream, nca.Stream.Length, ctx.Logger); } } } static SdFs LoadSdFs(string[] args) { var keyset = ExternalKeys.ReadKeyFile(args[0], "titlekeys.txt"); keyset.SetSdSeed(args[1].ToBytes()); var sdfs = new SdFs(keyset, args[2]); return sdfs; } static void ListNcas(SdFs sdfs) { foreach (Nca nca in sdfs.Ncas.Values.OrderBy(x => x.Header.TitleId)) { Console.WriteLine($"{nca.Header.TitleId:X16} {nca.Header.ContentType.ToString().PadRight(10, ' ')} {nca.NcaId}"); } } static void ListTitles(SdFs sdfs) { foreach (var title in sdfs.Titles.Values.OrderBy(x => x.Id)) { Console.WriteLine($"{title.Name} {title.Control?.Version}"); Console.WriteLine($"{title.Id:X16} v{title.Version.Version} ({title.Version}) {title.Metadata.Type}"); foreach (var content in title.Metadata.ContentEntries) { Console.WriteLine( $" {content.NcaId.ToHexString()}.nca {content.Type} {Util.GetBytesReadable(content.Size)}"); } foreach (var nca in title.Ncas) { Console.WriteLine($" {nca.HasRightsId} {nca.NcaId} {nca.Header.ContentType}"); foreach (var sect in nca.Sections.Where(x => x != null)) { Console.WriteLine($" {sect.SectionNum} {sect.Type} {sect.Header.CryptType} {sect.SuperblockHashValidity}"); } } Console.WriteLine(""); } } static string ListApplications(SdFs sdfs) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var app in sdfs.Applications.Values.OrderBy(x => x.Name)) { sb.AppendLine($"{app.Name} v{app.DisplayVersion}"); if (app.Main != null) { sb.AppendLine($"Software: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Main.GetSize())}"); } if (app.Patch != null) { sb.AppendLine($"Update Data: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Patch.GetSize())}"); } if (app.AddOnContent.Count > 0) { sb.AppendLine($"DLC: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.AddOnContent.Sum(x => x.GetSize()))}"); } if (app.Nacp?.UserTotalSaveDataSize > 0) sb.AppendLine($"User save: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Nacp.UserTotalSaveDataSize)}"); if (app.Nacp?.DeviceTotalSaveDataSize > 0) sb.AppendLine($"System save: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Nacp.DeviceTotalSaveDataSize)}"); if (app.Nacp?.BcatSaveDataSize > 0) sb.AppendLine($"BCAT save: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Nacp.BcatSaveDataSize)}"); sb.AppendLine(); } return sb.ToString(); } } }