using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using LibHac.Fs; namespace LibHac.Tests.Fs; public class StorageTester { private Random _random; private byte[][] _backingArrays; private byte[][] _buffers; private int _size; private int[] _frequentAccessOffsets; private int _lastAccessEnd; private int _totalAccessCount; private Configuration _config; public class Configuration { public Entry[] Entries { get; set; } public int[] SizeClassProbs { get; set; } public int[] SizeClassMaxSizes { get; set; } public int[] TaskProbs { get; set; } public int[] AccessTypeProbs { get; set; } public ulong RngSeed { get; set; } public int FrequentAccessBlockCount { get; set; } } public StorageTester(Configuration config) { Entry[] entries = config.Entries; if (entries.Length < 2) { throw new ArgumentException("At least 2 storage entries must be provided", nameof(config.Entries)); } if (entries.Select(x => x.BackingArray.Length).Distinct().Count() != 1) { throw new ArgumentException("All storages must have the same size.", nameof(config.Entries)); } if (entries[0].BackingArray.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The storage size must be greater than 0.", nameof(config.Entries)); } _config = config; _random = new Random(config.RngSeed); _backingArrays = entries.Select(x => x.BackingArray).ToArray(); _buffers = new byte[entries.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++) { _buffers[i] = new byte[config.SizeClassMaxSizes[^1]]; } _size = entries[0].BackingArray.Length; _lastAccessEnd = 0; _frequentAccessOffsets = new int[config.FrequentAccessBlockCount]; for (int i = 0; i < _frequentAccessOffsets.Length; i++) { _frequentAccessOffsets[i] = ChooseOffset(AccessType.Random); } } //public StorageTester(ulong rngSeed, int frequentAccessBlockCount, params Entry[] entries) //{ // if (entries.Length < 2) // { // throw new ArgumentException("At least 2 storage entries must be provided", nameof(entries)); // } // if (entries.Select(x => x.BackingArray.Length).Distinct().Count() != 1) // { // throw new ArgumentException("All storages must have the same size.", nameof(entries)); // } // if (entries[0].BackingArray.Length == 0) // { // throw new ArgumentException("The storage size must be greater than 0.", nameof(entries)); // } // _random = new Random(rngSeed); // _entries = entries; // _backingArrays = entries.Select(x => x.BackingArray).ToArray(); // _buffers = new byte[entries.Length][]; // for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++) // { // _buffers[i] = new byte[SizeClassMaxSizes[^1]]; // } // _size = _entries[0].BackingArray.Length; // _lastAccessEnd = 0; // _frequentAccessOffsets = new int[frequentAccessBlockCount]; // for (int i = 0; i < _frequentAccessOffsets.Length; i++) // { // _frequentAccessOffsets[i] = ChooseOffset(AccessType.Random); // } //} public void Run(long accessCount) { long endCount = _totalAccessCount + accessCount; while (_totalAccessCount < endCount) { Task task = ChooseTask(); switch (task) { case Task.Read: RunRead(); break; case Task.Write: RunWrite(); break; case Task.Flush: RunFlush(); break; } _totalAccessCount++; } } private void RunRead() { int sizeClass = ChooseSizeClass(); AccessType accessType = ChooseAccessType(); int offset = ChooseOffset(accessType); int size = ChooseSize(offset, sizeClass); for (int i = 0; i < _config.Entries.Length; i++) { Entry entry = _config.Entries[i]; entry.Storage.Read(offset, _buffers[i].AsSpan(0, size)).ThrowIfFailure(); } if (!CompareBuffers(_buffers, size)) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Read: Offset {offset}; Size {size}"); } } private void RunWrite() { int sizeClass = ChooseSizeClass(); AccessType accessType = ChooseAccessType(); int offset = ChooseOffset(accessType); int size = ChooseSize(offset, sizeClass); Span<byte> buffer = _buffers[0].AsSpan(0, size); _random.NextBytes(buffer); for (int i = 0; i < _config.Entries.Length; i++) { Entry entry = _config.Entries[i]; entry.Storage.Write(offset, buffer).ThrowIfFailure(); } } private void RunFlush() { foreach (Entry entry in _config.Entries) { entry.Storage.Flush().ThrowIfFailure(); } if (!CompareBuffers(_backingArrays, _size)) { throw new InvalidDataException("Flush"); } } private Task ChooseTask() => (Task)ChooseProb(_config.TaskProbs); private int ChooseSizeClass() => ChooseProb(_config.SizeClassProbs); private AccessType ChooseAccessType() => (AccessType)ChooseProb(_config.AccessTypeProbs); private int ChooseOffset(AccessType type) => type switch { AccessType.Random => _random.Next(0, _size), AccessType.Sequential => _lastAccessEnd == _size ? 0 : _lastAccessEnd, AccessType.FrequentBlock => _frequentAccessOffsets[_random.Next(0, _frequentAccessOffsets.Length)], _ => 0 }; private int ChooseSize(int offset, int sizeClass) { int availableSize = Math.Max(0, _size - offset); int randSize = _random.Next(0, _config.SizeClassMaxSizes[sizeClass]); return Math.Min(availableSize, randSize); } private int ChooseProb(int[] weights) { int total = 0; foreach (int weight in weights) { total += weight; } int rand = _random.Next(0, total); int currentThreshold = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++) { currentThreshold += weights[i]; if (rand < currentThreshold) return i; } return 0; } private bool CompareBuffers(byte[][] buffers, int size) { Span<byte> baseBuffer = buffers[0].AsSpan(0, size); for (int i = 1; i < buffers.Length; i++) { Span<byte> testBuffer = buffers[i].AsSpan(0, size); if (!baseBuffer.SequenceEqual(testBuffer)) { return false; } } return true; } public readonly struct Entry { public readonly IStorage Storage; public readonly byte[] BackingArray; public Entry(IStorage storage, byte[] backingArray) { Storage = storage; BackingArray = backingArray; } } private enum Task { Read = 0, Write = 1, Flush = 2 } private enum AccessType { Random = 0, Sequential = 1, FrequentBlock = 2 } }