using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using LibHac; using LibHac.Savefile; namespace hactoolnet { internal static class ProcessSwitchFs { public static void Process(Context ctx) { var switchFs = new SwitchFs(ctx.Keyset, new FileSystem(ctx.Options.InFile)); if (ctx.Options.ListTitles) { ListTitles(switchFs); } if (ctx.Options.ListApps) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage(ListApplications(switchFs)); } if (ctx.Options.ExefsOutDir != null || ctx.Options.ExefsOut != null) { ulong id = ctx.Options.TitleId; if (id == 0) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage("Title ID must be specified to dump ExeFS"); return; } if (!switchFs.Titles.TryGetValue(id, out Title title)) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Could not find title {id:X16}"); return; } if (title.MainNca == null) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Could not find main data for title {id:X16}"); return; } NcaSection section = title.MainNca.Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsExefs); if (section == null) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Main NCA for title {id:X16} has no ExeFS section"); return; } if (ctx.Options.ExefsOutDir != null) { title.MainNca.ExtractSection(section.SectionNum, ctx.Options.ExefsOutDir, ctx.Options.EnableHash, ctx.Logger); } if (ctx.Options.ExefsOut != null) { title.MainNca.ExportSection(section.SectionNum, ctx.Options.ExefsOut, ctx.Options.Raw, ctx.Options.EnableHash, ctx.Logger); } } if (ctx.Options.RomfsOutDir != null || ctx.Options.RomfsOut != null) { ulong id = ctx.Options.TitleId; if (id == 0) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage("Title ID must be specified to dump RomFS"); return; } if (!switchFs.Titles.TryGetValue(id, out Title title)) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Could not find title {id:X16}"); return; } if (title.MainNca == null) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Could not find main data for title {id:X16}"); return; } NcaSection section = title.MainNca.Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x?.Type == SectionType.Romfs || x?.Type == SectionType.Bktr); if (section == null) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Main NCA for title {id:X16} has no RomFS section"); return; } if (ctx.Options.RomfsOutDir != null) { var romfs = new Romfs(title.MainNca.OpenSection(section.SectionNum, false, ctx.Options.EnableHash)); romfs.Extract(ctx.Options.RomfsOutDir, ctx.Logger); } if (ctx.Options.RomfsOut != null) { title.MainNca.ExportSection(section.SectionNum, ctx.Options.RomfsOut, ctx.Options.Raw, ctx.Options.EnableHash, ctx.Logger); } } if (ctx.Options.OutDir != null) { SaveTitle(ctx, switchFs); } if (ctx.Options.NspOut != null) { ProcessNsp.CreateNsp(ctx, switchFs); } if (ctx.Options.SaveOutDir != null) { ExportSdSaves(ctx, switchFs); } } private static void SaveTitle(Context ctx, SwitchFs switchFs) { ulong id = ctx.Options.TitleId; if (id == 0) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage("Title ID must be specified to save title"); return; } if (!switchFs.Titles.TryGetValue(id, out Title title)) { ctx.Logger.LogMessage($"Could not find title {id:X16}"); return; } string saveDir = Path.Combine(ctx.Options.OutDir, $"{title.Id:X16}v{title.Version.Version}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(saveDir); foreach (Nca nca in title.Ncas) { Stream stream = nca.GetStream(); string outFile = Path.Combine(saveDir, nca.Filename); ctx.Logger.LogMessage(nca.Filename); using (var outStream = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { stream.CopyStream(outStream, stream.Length, ctx.Logger); } } } static void ListTitles(SwitchFs sdfs) { foreach (Title title in sdfs.Titles.Values.OrderBy(x => x.Id)) { Console.WriteLine($"{title.Name} {title.Control?.DisplayVersion}"); Console.WriteLine($"{title.Id:X16} v{title.Version.Version} ({title.Version}) {title.Metadata.Type}"); foreach (CnmtContentEntry content in title.Metadata.ContentEntries) { Console.WriteLine( $" {content.NcaId.ToHexString()}.nca {content.Type} {Util.GetBytesReadable(content.Size)}"); } foreach (Nca nca in title.Ncas) { Console.WriteLine($" {nca.HasRightsId} {nca.NcaId} {nca.Header.ContentType}"); foreach (NcaSection sect in nca.Sections.Where(x => x != null)) { Console.WriteLine($" {sect.SectionNum} {sect.Type} {sect.Header.CryptType} {sect.SuperblockHashValidity}"); } } Console.WriteLine(""); } } static string ListApplications(SwitchFs sdfs) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Application app in sdfs.Applications.Values.OrderBy(x => x.Name)) { sb.AppendLine($"{app.Name} v{app.DisplayVersion}"); if (app.Main != null) { sb.AppendLine($"Software: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Main.GetSize())}"); } if (app.Patch != null) { sb.AppendLine($"Update Data: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Patch.GetSize())}"); } if (app.AddOnContent.Count > 0) { sb.AppendLine($"DLC: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.AddOnContent.Sum(x => x.GetSize()))}"); } if (app.Nacp?.UserTotalSaveDataSize > 0) sb.AppendLine($"User save: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Nacp.UserTotalSaveDataSize)}"); if (app.Nacp?.DeviceTotalSaveDataSize > 0) sb.AppendLine($"System save: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Nacp.DeviceTotalSaveDataSize)}"); if (app.Nacp?.BcatDeliveryCacheStorageSize > 0) sb.AppendLine($"BCAT save: {Util.GetBytesReadable(app.Nacp.BcatDeliveryCacheStorageSize)}"); sb.AppendLine(); } return sb.ToString(); } private static void ExportSdSaves(Context ctx, SwitchFs switchFs) { foreach (KeyValuePair save in switchFs.Saves) { string outDir = Path.Combine(ctx.Options.SaveOutDir, save.Key); save.Value.Extract(outDir, ctx.Logger); } } } }