Alex Barney 3d50085e22
Use Storage throughout the library instead of Stream (#18)
*Create an IStorage interface and Storage abstract class to use instead of Stream

* Improve AES-XTS performance by ~16x

* Double AES-CTR performance: 800 MB/s -> 1600 MB/s on a 6700K

* Add AES-XTS tests

* Add AES benchmark and AES-CTR writing

* Add support for a hashed FAT in save files

* Add option to export decrypted NCA

* Allow opening decrypted package1 and package2

* Make sure romfs disposal can cascade all the way down

* Validate NCA, NPDM and package2 signatures
2018-11-18 23:20:34 -05:00

208 lines
8.6 KiB

using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using LibHac;
using LibHac.IO;
using static hactoolnet.Print;
namespace hactoolnet
internal static class ProcessNca
public static void Process(Context ctx)
using (var file = new StreamStorage(new FileStream(ctx.Options.InFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), false))
var nca = new Nca(ctx.Keyset, file, false);
if (ctx.Options.BaseNca != null)
var baseFile = new StreamStorage(new FileStream(ctx.Options.BaseNca, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), false);
var baseNca = new Nca(ctx.Keyset, baseFile, false);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (ctx.Options.SectionOut[i] != null)
nca.ExportSection(i, ctx.Options.SectionOut[i], ctx.Options.Raw, ctx.Options.IntegrityLevel, ctx.Logger);
if (ctx.Options.SectionOutDir[i] != null)
nca.ExtractSection(i, ctx.Options.SectionOutDir[i], ctx.Options.IntegrityLevel, ctx.Logger);
if (ctx.Options.Validate && nca.Sections[i] != null)
nca.VerifySection(i, ctx.Logger);
if (ctx.Options.ListRomFs && nca.Sections[1] != null)
var romfs = new Romfs(nca.OpenSection(1, false, ctx.Options.IntegrityLevel, true));
foreach (RomfsFile romfsFile in romfs.Files)
if (ctx.Options.RomfsOutDir != null || ctx.Options.RomfsOut != null)
NcaSection section = nca.Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x?.Type == SectionType.Romfs || x?.Type == SectionType.Bktr);
if (section == null)
ctx.Logger.LogMessage("NCA has no RomFS section");
if (section.Type == SectionType.Bktr && ctx.Options.BaseNca == null)
ctx.Logger.LogMessage("Cannot save BKTR section without base RomFS");
if (ctx.Options.RomfsOut != null)
nca.ExportSection(section.SectionNum, ctx.Options.RomfsOut, ctx.Options.Raw, ctx.Options.IntegrityLevel, ctx.Logger);
if (ctx.Options.RomfsOutDir != null)
var romfs = new Romfs(nca.OpenSection(section.SectionNum, false, ctx.Options.IntegrityLevel, true));
romfs.Extract(ctx.Options.RomfsOutDir, ctx.Logger);
if (ctx.Options.ExefsOutDir != null || ctx.Options.ExefsOut != null)
if (nca.Header.ContentType != ContentType.Program)
ctx.Logger.LogMessage("NCA's content type is not \"Program\"");
NcaSection section = nca.Sections[(int)ProgramPartitionType.Code];
if (section == null)
ctx.Logger.LogMessage("Could not find an ExeFS section");
if (ctx.Options.ExefsOut != null)
nca.ExportSection(section.SectionNum, ctx.Options.ExefsOut, ctx.Options.Raw, ctx.Options.IntegrityLevel, ctx.Logger);
if (ctx.Options.ExefsOutDir != null)
nca.ExtractSection(section.SectionNum, ctx.Options.ExefsOutDir, ctx.Options.IntegrityLevel, ctx.Logger);
if (ctx.Options.PlaintextOut != null)
nca.OpenDecryptedNca().WriteAllBytes(ctx.Options.PlaintextOut, ctx.Logger);
private static string Print(this Nca nca)
int colLen = 36;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "Magic:", nca.Header.Magic);
PrintItem(sb, colLen, $"Fixed-Key Signature{nca.Header.FixedSigValidity.GetValidityString()}:", nca.Header.Signature1);
PrintItem(sb, colLen, $"NPDM Signature{nca.Header.NpdmSigValidity.GetValidityString()}:", nca.Header.Signature2);
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "Content Size:", $"0x{nca.Header.NcaSize:x12}");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "TitleID:", $"{nca.Header.TitleId:X16}");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "SDK Version:", nca.Header.SdkVersion);
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "Distribution type:", nca.Header.Distribution);
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "Content Type:", nca.Header.ContentType);
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "Master Key Revision:", $"{nca.CryptoType} ({Util.GetKeyRevisionSummary(nca.CryptoType)})");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "Encryption Type:", $"{(nca.HasRightsId ? "Titlekey crypto" : "Standard crypto")}");
if (nca.HasRightsId)
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "Rights ID:", nca.Header.RightsId);
PrintItem(sb, colLen, "Key Area Encryption Key:", nca.Header.KaekInd);
sb.AppendLine("Key Area (Encrypted):");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
PrintItem(sb, colLen, $" Key {i} (Encrypted):", nca.Header.EncryptedKeys[i]);
sb.AppendLine("Key Area (Decrypted):");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
PrintItem(sb, colLen, $" Key {i} (Decrypted):", nca.DecryptedKeys[i]);
return sb.ToString();
void PrintSections()
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
NcaSection sect = nca.Sections[i];
if (sect == null) continue;
bool isExefs = nca.Header.ContentType == ContentType.Program && i == (int)ProgramPartitionType.Code;
sb.AppendLine($" Section {i}:");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, " Offset:", $"0x{sect.Offset:x12}");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, " Size:", $"0x{sect.Size:x12}");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, " Partition Type:", isExefs ? "ExeFS" : sect.Type.ToString());
PrintItem(sb, colLen, " Section CTR:", sect.Header.Ctr);
switch (sect.Header.HashType)
case NcaHashType.Sha256:
case NcaHashType.Ivfc:
PrintIvfcHash(sb, colLen, 8, sect.Header.IvfcInfo, IntegrityStorageType.RomFs);
sb.AppendLine(" Unknown/invalid superblock!");
void PrintSha256Hash(NcaSection sect)
Sha256Info hashInfo = sect.Header.Sha256Info;
PrintItem(sb, colLen, $" Master Hash{sect.MasterHashValidity.GetValidityString()}:", hashInfo.MasterHash);
sb.AppendLine($" Hash Table{sect.Header.Sha256Info.HashValidity.GetValidityString()}:");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, " Offset:", $"0x{hashInfo.HashTableOffset:x12}");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, " Size:", $"0x{hashInfo.HashTableSize:x12}");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, " Block Size:", $"0x{hashInfo.BlockSize:x}");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, " PFS0 Offset:", $"0x{hashInfo.DataOffset:x12}");
PrintItem(sb, colLen, " PFS0 Size:", $"0x{hashInfo.DataSize:x12}");