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synced 2024-11-14 10:49:41 +01:00
Previously multiple streams could share the same base stream. This meant that you couldn't alternate between streams. If you read from one stream, the state of other streams sharing the same base stream would be messed up and would silently return bad data. This commit introduces a SharedStream class that allows multiple SharedStreams to share the same base class and not interfere with each other.
568 lines
21 KiB
568 lines
21 KiB
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using libhac.Streams;
using libhac.XTSSharp;
namespace libhac
public class Nca : IDisposable
public NcaHeader Header { get; private set; }
public string NcaId { get; set; }
public string Filename { get; set; }
public bool HasRightsId { get; private set; }
public int CryptoType { get; private set; }
public byte[][] DecryptedKeys { get; } = Util.CreateJaggedArray<byte[][]>(4, 0x10);
public byte[] TitleKey { get; }
public byte[] TitleKeyDec { get; } = new byte[0x10];
private Stream Stream { get; }
private SharedStreamSource StreamSource { get; }
private bool KeepOpen { get; }
private Nca BaseNca { get; set; }
public NcaSection[] Sections { get; } = new NcaSection[4];
public Nca(Keyset keyset, Stream stream, bool keepOpen)
stream.Position = 0;
KeepOpen = keepOpen;
Stream = stream;
StreamSource = new SharedStreamSource(stream);
DecryptHeader(keyset, stream);
CryptoType = Math.Max(Header.CryptoType, Header.CryptoType2);
if (CryptoType > 0) CryptoType--;
HasRightsId = !Header.RightsId.IsEmpty();
if (!HasRightsId)
if (keyset.TitleKeys.TryGetValue(Header.RightsId, out var titleKey))
TitleKey = titleKey;
Crypto.DecryptEcb(keyset.titlekeks[CryptoType], titleKey, TitleKeyDec, 0x10);
DecryptedKeys[2] = TitleKeyDec;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var section = ParseSection(i);
if (section == null) continue;
Sections[i] = section;
foreach (var pfsSection in Sections.Where(x => x != null && x.Type == SectionType.Pfs0))
var sectionStream = OpenSection(pfsSection.SectionNum, false);
if (sectionStream == null) continue;
var pfs = new Pfs(sectionStream);
if (!pfs.FileExists("main.npdm")) continue;
pfsSection.IsExefs = true;
public Stream GetStream()
return StreamSource.CreateStream();
public Stream OpenSection(int index, bool raw)
if (Sections[index] == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
var sect = Sections[index];
if (sect.SuperblockHashValidity == Validity.Invalid) return null;
long offset = sect.Offset;
long size = sect.Size;
if (!raw)
switch (sect.Header.Type)
case SectionType.Pfs0:
offset = sect.Offset + sect.Pfs0.Superblock.Pfs0Offset;
size = sect.Pfs0.Superblock.Pfs0Size;
case SectionType.Romfs:
offset = sect.Offset + sect.Header.Romfs.IvfcHeader.LevelHeaders[Romfs.IvfcMaxLevel - 1].LogicalOffset;
size = sect.Header.Romfs.IvfcHeader.LevelHeaders[Romfs.IvfcMaxLevel - 1].HashDataSize;
case SectionType.Bktr:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
var sectionStream = StreamSource.CreateStream(offset, size);
switch (sect.Header.CryptType)
case SectionCryptType.None:
return sectionStream;
case SectionCryptType.XTS:
case SectionCryptType.CTR:
return new RandomAccessSectorStream(new AesCtrStream(sectionStream, DecryptedKeys[2], offset, sect.Header.Ctr), false);
case SectionCryptType.BKTR:
var patchStream = new RandomAccessSectorStream(
new BktrCryptoStream(sectionStream, DecryptedKeys[2], 0, size, offset, sect.Header.Ctr, sect),
if (BaseNca == null)
return patchStream;
var dataLevel = sect.Header.Bktr.IvfcHeader.LevelHeaders[Romfs.IvfcMaxLevel - 1];
var baseSect = BaseNca.Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == SectionType.Romfs);
if (baseSect == null) throw new InvalidDataException("Base NCA has no RomFS section");
var baseStream = BaseNca.OpenSection(baseSect.SectionNum, true);
var virtStreamRaw = new Bktr(patchStream, baseStream, sect);
if (raw) return virtStreamRaw;
var virtStream = new SubStream(virtStreamRaw, dataLevel.LogicalOffset, dataLevel.HashDataSize);
return virtStream;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return sectionStream;
public void SetBaseNca(Nca baseNca) => BaseNca = baseNca;
private void DecryptHeader(Keyset keyset, Stream stream)
byte[] headerBytes = new byte[0xC00];
var xts = XtsAes128.Create(keyset.header_key);
using (var headerDec = new RandomAccessSectorStream(new XtsSectorStream(stream, xts, 0x200)))
headerDec.Read(headerBytes, 0, headerBytes.Length);
var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(headerBytes));
Header = NcaHeader.Read(reader);
private void DecryptKeyArea(Keyset keyset)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Crypto.DecryptEcb(keyset.key_area_keys[CryptoType][Header.KaekInd], Header.EncryptedKeys[i],
DecryptedKeys[i], 0x10);
private NcaSection ParseSection(int index)
var entry = Header.SectionEntries[index];
var header = Header.FsHeaders[index];
if (entry.MediaStartOffset == 0) return null;
var sect = new NcaSection();
sect.SectionNum = index;
sect.Offset = Util.MediaToReal(entry.MediaStartOffset);
sect.Size = Util.MediaToReal(entry.MediaEndOffset) - sect.Offset;
sect.Header = header;
sect.Type = header.Type;
if (sect.Type == SectionType.Pfs0)
sect.Pfs0 = new Pfs0Section();
sect.Pfs0.Superblock = header.Pfs;
else if (sect.Type == SectionType.Romfs)
return sect;
private void ProcessIvfcSection(NcaSection sect)
sect.Romfs = new RomfsSection();
sect.Romfs.Superblock = sect.Header.Romfs;
var headers = sect.Romfs.Superblock.IvfcHeader.LevelHeaders;
for (int i = 0; i < Romfs.IvfcMaxLevel; i++)
var level = new IvfcLevel();
sect.Romfs.IvfcLevels[i] = level;
var header = headers[i];
level.DataOffset = header.LogicalOffset;
level.DataSize = header.HashDataSize;
level.HashBlockSize = 1 << header.BlockSize;
level.HashBlockCount = Util.DivideByRoundUp(level.DataSize, level.HashBlockSize);
level.HashSize = level.HashBlockCount * 0x20;
if (i != 0)
level.HashOffset = sect.Romfs.IvfcLevels[i - 1].DataOffset;
private void CheckBktrKey(NcaSection sect)
var offset = sect.Header.Bktr.SubsectionHeader.Offset;
using (var streamDec = new RandomAccessSectorStream(new AesCtrStream(GetStream(), DecryptedKeys[2], sect.Offset, sect.Size, sect.Offset, sect.Header.Ctr)))
var reader = new BinaryReader(streamDec);
streamDec.Position = offset + 8;
var size = reader.ReadInt64();
if (size != offset)
sect.SuperblockHashValidity = Validity.Invalid;
private void ValidateSuperblockHash(int index)
if (Sections[index] == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
var sect = Sections[index];
byte[] expected = null;
byte[] actual;
long offset = 0;
long size = 0;
switch (sect.Type)
case SectionType.Invalid:
case SectionType.Pfs0:
var pfs0 = sect.Header.Pfs;
expected = pfs0.MasterHash;
offset = pfs0.HashTableOffset;
size = pfs0.HashTableSize;
case SectionType.Romfs:
var ivfc = sect.Header.Romfs.IvfcHeader;
expected = ivfc.MasterHash;
offset = ivfc.LevelHeaders[0].LogicalOffset;
size = 1 << ivfc.LevelHeaders[0].BlockSize;
case SectionType.Bktr:
var stream = OpenSection(index, true);
if (stream == null) return;
if (expected == null) return;
var hashTable = new byte[size];
stream.Position = offset;
stream.Read(hashTable, 0, hashTable.Length);
using (SHA256 hash = SHA256.Create())
actual = hash.ComputeHash(hashTable);
var validity = Util.ArraysEqual(expected, actual) ? Validity.Valid : Validity.Invalid;
sect.SuperblockHashValidity = validity;
if (sect.Type == SectionType.Romfs) sect.Romfs.IvfcLevels[0].HashValidity = validity;
public void VerifySection(int index, IProgressReport logger = null)
if (Sections[index] == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
var sect = Sections[index];
var stream = OpenSection(index, true);
logger?.LogMessage($"Verifying section {index}...");
switch (sect.Type)
case SectionType.Invalid:
case SectionType.Pfs0:
VerifyPfs0(stream, sect.Pfs0, logger);
case SectionType.Romfs:
VerifyIvfc(stream, sect.Romfs.IvfcLevels, logger);
case SectionType.Bktr:
private void VerifyPfs0(Stream section, Pfs0Section pfs0, IProgressReport logger = null)
var sb = pfs0.Superblock;
var table = new byte[sb.HashTableSize];
section.Position = sb.HashTableOffset;
section.Read(table, 0, table.Length);
pfs0.Validity = VerifyHashTable(section, table, sb.Pfs0Offset, sb.Pfs0Size, sb.BlockSize, false, logger);
private void VerifyIvfc(Stream section, IvfcLevel[] levels, IProgressReport logger = null)
for (int i = 1; i < levels.Length; i++)
logger?.LogMessage($" Verifying IVFC Level {i}...");
var level = levels[i];
var table = new byte[level.HashSize];
section.Position = level.HashOffset;
section.Read(table, 0, table.Length);
level.HashValidity =
VerifyHashTable(section, table, level.DataOffset, level.DataSize, level.HashBlockSize, true, logger);
private Validity VerifyHashTable(Stream section, byte[] hashTable, long dataOffset, long dataLen, long blockSize, bool isFinalBlockFull, IProgressReport logger = null)
const int hashSize = 0x20;
var currentBlock = new byte[blockSize];
var expectedHash = new byte[hashSize];
var blockCount = Util.DivideByRoundUp(dataLen, blockSize);
int curBlockSize = (int)blockSize;
section.Position = dataOffset;
using (SHA256 sha256 = SHA256.Create())
for (long i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
var remaining = (dataLen - i * blockSize);
if (remaining < blockSize)
Array.Clear(currentBlock, 0, currentBlock.Length);
if (!isFinalBlockFull) curBlockSize = (int)remaining;
Array.Copy(hashTable, i * hashSize, expectedHash, 0, hashSize);
section.Read(currentBlock, 0, curBlockSize);
var actualHash = sha256.ComputeHash(currentBlock, 0, curBlockSize);
if (!Util.ArraysEqual(expectedHash, actualHash))
return Validity.Invalid;
return Validity.Valid;
public void Dispose()
if (!KeepOpen)
public class NcaSection
public Stream Stream { get; set; }
public NcaFsHeader Header { get; set; }
public SectionType Type { get; set; }
public int SectionNum { get; set; }
public long Offset { get; set; }
public long Size { get; set; }
public Validity SuperblockHashValidity { get; set; }
public Pfs0Section Pfs0 { get; set; }
public RomfsSection Romfs { get; set; }
public bool IsExefs { get; internal set; }
public static class NcaExtensions
public static void ExportSection(this Nca nca, int index, string filename, bool raw = false, IProgressReport logger = null)
if (index < 0 || index > 3) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
if (nca.Sections[index] == null) return;
var section = nca.OpenSection(index, raw);
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dir);
using (var outFile = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
section.CopyStream(outFile, section.Length, logger);
public static void ExtractSection(this Nca nca, int index, string outputDir, IProgressReport logger = null)
if (index < 0 || index > 3) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
if (nca.Sections[index] == null) return;
var section = nca.Sections[index];
var stream = nca.OpenSection(index, false);
switch (section.Type)
case SectionType.Invalid:
case SectionType.Pfs0:
var pfs0 = new Pfs(stream);
pfs0.Extract(outputDir, logger);
case SectionType.Romfs:
var romfs = new Romfs(stream);
romfs.Extract(outputDir, logger);
case SectionType.Bktr:
public static string Dump(this Nca nca)
int colLen = 36;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
PrintItem("Magic:", nca.Header.Magic);
PrintItem("Fixed-Key Signature:", nca.Header.Signature1);
PrintItem("NPDM Signature:", nca.Header.Signature2);
PrintItem("Content Size:", $"0x{nca.Header.NcaSize:x12}");
PrintItem("TitleID:", $"{nca.Header.TitleId:X16}");
PrintItem("SDK Version:", nca.Header.SdkVersion);
PrintItem("Distribution type:", nca.Header.Distribution);
PrintItem("Content Type:", nca.Header.ContentType);
PrintItem("Master Key Revision:", $"{nca.CryptoType} ({Util.GetKeyRevisionSummary(nca.CryptoType)})");
PrintItem("Encryption Type:", $"{(nca.HasRightsId ? "Titlekey crypto" : "Standard crypto")}");
if (nca.HasRightsId)
PrintItem("Rights ID:", nca.Header.RightsId);
PrintItem("Key Area Encryption Key:", nca.Header.KaekInd);
sb.AppendLine("Key Area (Encrypted):");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
PrintItem($" Key {i} (Encrypted):", nca.Header.EncryptedKeys[i]);
sb.AppendLine("Key Area (Decrypted):");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
PrintItem($" Key {i} (Decrypted):", nca.DecryptedKeys[i]);
return sb.ToString();
void PrintSections()
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
NcaSection sect = nca.Sections[i];
if (sect == null) continue;
sb.AppendLine($" Section {i}:");
PrintItem(" Offset:", $"0x{sect.Offset:x12}");
PrintItem(" Size:", $"0x{sect.Size:x12}");
PrintItem(" Partition Type:", sect.IsExefs ? "ExeFS" : sect.Type.ToString());
PrintItem(" Section CTR:", sect.Header.Ctr);
switch (sect.Type)
case SectionType.Pfs0:
case SectionType.Romfs:
case SectionType.Bktr:
sb.AppendLine(" Unknown/invalid superblock!");
void PrintPfs0(NcaSection sect)
var sBlock = sect.Pfs0.Superblock;
PrintItem($" Superblock Hash{sect.SuperblockHashValidity.GetValidityString()}:", sBlock.MasterHash);
sb.AppendLine($" Hash Table{sect.Pfs0.Validity.GetValidityString()}:");
PrintItem(" Offset:", $"0x{sBlock.HashTableOffset:x12}");
PrintItem(" Size:", $"0x{sBlock.HashTableSize:x12}");
PrintItem(" Block Size:", $"0x{sBlock.BlockSize:x}");
PrintItem(" PFS0 Offset:", $"0x{sBlock.Pfs0Offset:x12}");
PrintItem(" PFS0 Size:", $"0x{sBlock.Pfs0Size:x12}");
void PrintRomfs(NcaSection sect)
var sBlock = sect.Romfs.Superblock;
var levels = sect.Romfs.IvfcLevels;
PrintItem($" Superblock Hash{sect.SuperblockHashValidity.GetValidityString()}:", sBlock.IvfcHeader.MasterHash);
PrintItem(" Magic:", sBlock.IvfcHeader.Magic);
PrintItem(" ID:", $"{sBlock.IvfcHeader.Id:x8}");
for (int i = 0; i < Romfs.IvfcMaxLevel; i++)
var level = levels[i];
sb.AppendLine($" Level {i}{level.HashValidity.GetValidityString()}:");
PrintItem(" Data Offset:", $"0x{level.DataOffset:x12}");
PrintItem(" Data Size:", $"0x{level.DataSize:x12}");
PrintItem(" Hash Offset:", $"0x{level.HashOffset:x12}");
PrintItem(" Hash BlockSize:", $"0x{level.HashBlockSize:x8}");
void PrintItem(string prefix, object data)
if (data is byte[] byteData)
sb.MemDump(prefix.PadRight(colLen), byteData);
sb.AppendLine(prefix.PadRight(colLen) + data);
public static string GetValidityString(this Validity validity)
switch (validity)
case Validity.Invalid: return " (FAIL)";
case Validity.Valid: return " (GOOD)";
default: return string.Empty;