/* Copyright (C) 2019 Mr Goldberg This file is part of the Goldberg Emulator The Goldberg Emulator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Goldberg Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Goldberg Emulator; if not, see . */ #ifndef BASE_INCLUDE #define BASE_INCLUDE #if defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__MINGW64__) #define __WINDOWS_64__ #elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__MINGW32__) #define __WINDOWS_32__ #endif #if defined(__WINDOWS_32__) || defined(__WINDOWS_64__) #define __WINDOWS__ #endif #if defined(__linux__) || defined(linux) #if defined(__x86_64__) #define __LINUX_64__ #else #define __LINUX_32__ #endif #endif #if defined(__LINUX_32__) || defined(__LINUX_64__) #define __LINUX__ #endif #if defined(__WINDOWS__) #define STEAM_WIN32 #pragma warning( disable : 4716) #ifndef NOMINMAX # define NOMINMAX #endif #endif #define STEAM_API_EXPORTS #include "../sdk_includes/steam_gameserver.h" #include "../sdk_includes/steamdatagram_tickets.h" #include #include #include #include //#define PRINT_DEBUG(...) {FILE *t = fopen("STEAM_LOG.txt", "a"); fprintf(t, __VA_ARGS__); fclose(t);} #ifdef STEAM_WIN32 #include #include #include #include EXTERN_C IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; #define PATH_SEPARATOR "\\" #ifndef EMU_RELEASE_BUILD #define PRINT_DEBUG(a, ...) do {FILE *t = fopen("STEAM_LOG.txt", "a"); fprintf(t, "%u " a, GetCurrentThreadId(), __VA_ARGS__); fclose(t); WSASetLastError(0);} while (0) #endif #else #include #define PATH_SEPARATOR "/" #ifndef EMU_RELEASE_BUILD #define PRINT_DEBUG(...) {FILE *t = fopen("STEAM_LOG.txt", "a"); fprintf(t, __VA_ARGS__); fclose(t);} #endif #endif //#define PRINT_DEBUG(...) fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef EMU_RELEASE_BUILD #define PRINT_DEBUG(...) #endif #include "settings.h" #include "local_storage.h" #include "network.h" #include "defines.h" #define PUSH_BACK_IF_NOT_IN(vector, element) { if(std::find(vector.begin(), vector.end(), element) == vector.end()) vector.push_back(element); } extern std::recursive_mutex global_mutex; std::string get_env_variable(std::string name); class CCallbackMgr { public: static void SetRegister(class CCallbackBase *pCallback, int iCallback) { pCallback->m_nCallbackFlags |= CCallbackBase::k_ECallbackFlagsRegistered; pCallback->m_iCallback = iCallback; }; static void SetUnregister(class CCallbackBase *pCallback) { if (pCallback) pCallback->m_nCallbackFlags &= !CCallbackBase::k_ECallbackFlagsRegistered; }; static bool isServer(class CCallbackBase *pCallback) { return (pCallback->m_nCallbackFlags & CCallbackBase::k_ECallbackFlagsGameServer) != 0; }; }; #define STEAM_CALLRESULT_TIMEOUT 120.0 struct Steam_Call_Result { Steam_Call_Result(SteamAPICall_t a, int icb, void *r, unsigned int s, double r_in, bool run_cc_cb) { api_call = a; result.resize(s); if (s > 0 && r != NULL) memcpy(&(result[0]), r, s); created = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); run_in = r_in; run_call_completed_cb = run_cc_cb; iCallback = icb; } bool operator==(const struct Steam_Call_Result& a) { return a.api_call == api_call && a.callbacks == callbacks; } bool timed_out() { return check_timedout(created, STEAM_CALLRESULT_TIMEOUT); } bool call_completed() { return (!reserved) && check_timedout(created, run_in); } bool can_execute() { return (!to_delete) && call_completed(); } bool has_cb() { return callbacks.size() > 0; } SteamAPICall_t api_call; std::vector callbacks; std::vector result; bool to_delete = false; bool reserved = false; std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point created; double run_in; bool run_call_completed_cb; int iCallback; }; int generate_random_int(); SteamAPICall_t generate_steam_api_call_id(); CSteamID generate_steam_id_user(); CSteamID generate_steam_id_server(); CSteamID generate_steam_id_anonserver(); CSteamID generate_steam_id_lobby(); std::string get_full_program_path(); std::string get_current_path(); std::string canonical_path(std::string path); class SteamCallResults { std::vector callresults; std::vector completed_callbacks; void (*cb_all)(std::vector result, int callback) = nullptr; public: void addCallCompleted(class CCallbackBase *cb) { if (std::find(completed_callbacks.begin(), completed_callbacks.end(), cb) == completed_callbacks.end()) { completed_callbacks.push_back(cb); } } void rmCallCompleted(class CCallbackBase *cb) { auto c = std::find(completed_callbacks.begin(), completed_callbacks.end(), cb); if (c != completed_callbacks.end()) { completed_callbacks.erase(c); } } void addCallBack(SteamAPICall_t api_call, class CCallbackBase *cb) { auto cb_result = std::find_if(callresults.begin(), callresults.end(), [api_call](struct Steam_Call_Result const& item) { return item.api_call == api_call; }); if (cb_result != callresults.end()) { cb_result->callbacks.push_back(cb); CCallbackMgr::SetRegister(cb, cb->GetICallback()); } } bool exists(SteamAPICall_t api_call) { auto cr = std::find_if(callresults.begin(), callresults.end(), [api_call](struct Steam_Call_Result const& item) { return item.api_call == api_call; }); if (cr == callresults.end()) return false; if (!cr->call_completed()) return false; return true; } bool callback_result(SteamAPICall_t api_call, void *copy_to, unsigned int size) { auto cb_result = std::find_if(callresults.begin(), callresults.end(), [api_call](struct Steam_Call_Result const& item) { return item.api_call == api_call; }); if (cb_result != callresults.end()) { if (!cb_result->call_completed()) return false; if (cb_result->result.size() > size) return false; memcpy(copy_to, &(cb_result->result[0]), cb_result->result.size()); cb_result->to_delete = true; return true; } else { return false; } } void rmCallBack(SteamAPICall_t api_call, class CCallbackBase *cb) { auto cb_result = std::find_if(callresults.begin(), callresults.end(), [api_call](struct Steam_Call_Result const& item) { return item.api_call == api_call; }); if (cb_result != callresults.end()) { auto it = std::find(cb_result->callbacks.begin(), cb_result->callbacks.end(), cb); if (it != cb_result->callbacks.end()) { cb_result->callbacks.erase(it); CCallbackMgr::SetUnregister(cb); } } } void rmCallBack(class CCallbackBase *cb) { //TODO: check if callback is callback or call result? for (auto & cr: callresults) { auto it = std::find(cr.callbacks.begin(), cr.callbacks.end(), cb); if (it != cr.callbacks.end()) { cr.callbacks.erase(it); } if (cr.callbacks.size() == 0) { cr.to_delete = true; } } } SteamAPICall_t addCallResult(SteamAPICall_t api_call, int iCallback, void *result, unsigned int size, double timeout=0.0, bool run_call_completed_cb=true) { auto cb_result = std::find_if(callresults.begin(), callresults.end(), [api_call](struct Steam_Call_Result const& item) { return item.api_call == api_call; }); if (cb_result != callresults.end()) { if (cb_result->reserved) { std::vector temp_cbs = cb_result->callbacks; *cb_result = Steam_Call_Result(api_call, iCallback, result, size, timeout, run_call_completed_cb); cb_result->callbacks = temp_cbs; return cb_result->api_call; } } else { struct Steam_Call_Result res = Steam_Call_Result(api_call, iCallback, result, size, timeout, run_call_completed_cb); callresults.push_back(res); return callresults.back().api_call; } PRINT_DEBUG("addCallResult ERROR\n"); return 0; } SteamAPICall_t reserveCallResult() { struct Steam_Call_Result res = Steam_Call_Result(generate_steam_api_call_id(), 0, NULL, 0, 0.0, true); res.reserved = true; callresults.push_back(res); return callresults.back().api_call; } SteamAPICall_t addCallResult(int iCallback, void *result, unsigned int size, double timeout=0.0, bool run_call_completed_cb=true) { return addCallResult(generate_steam_api_call_id(), iCallback, result, size, timeout, run_call_completed_cb); } void setCbAll(void (*cb_all)(std::vector result, int callback)) { this->cb_all = cb_all; } void runCallResults() { unsigned long current_size = callresults.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < current_size; ++i) { unsigned index = i; if (!callresults[index].to_delete) { if (callresults[index].can_execute()) { std::vector result = callresults[index].result; SteamAPICall_t api_call = callresults[index].api_call; bool run_call_completed_cb = callresults[index].run_call_completed_cb; int iCallback = callresults[index].iCallback; if (run_call_completed_cb) { callresults[index].run_call_completed_cb = false; } callresults[index].to_delete = true; if (callresults[index].has_cb()) { std::vector temp_cbs = callresults[index].callbacks; for (auto & cb : temp_cbs) { PRINT_DEBUG("Calling callresult %p %i\n", cb, cb->GetICallback()); global_mutex.unlock(); //TODO: unlock relock doesn't work if mutex was locked more than once. if (run_call_completed_cb) { //run the right function depending on if it's a callback or a call result. cb->Run(&(result[0]), false, api_call); } else { cb->Run(&(result[0])); } //COULD BE DELETED SO DON'T TOUCH CB global_mutex.lock(); PRINT_DEBUG("callresult done\n"); } } if (run_call_completed_cb) { //can it happen that one is removed during the callback? std::vector callbacks = completed_callbacks; SteamAPICallCompleted_t data; data.m_hAsyncCall = api_call; data.m_iCallback = iCallback; data.m_cubParam = result.size(); for (auto & cb: callbacks) { PRINT_DEBUG("Call complete cb %i %p %llu\n", iCallback, cb, api_call); //TODO: check if this is a problem or not. SteamAPICallCompleted_t temp = data; global_mutex.unlock(); cb->Run(&temp); global_mutex.lock(); } if (cb_all) { std::vector res; res.resize(sizeof(data)); memcpy(&(res[0]), &data, sizeof(data)); cb_all(res, data.k_iCallback); } } else { if (cb_all) { cb_all(result, iCallback); } } } else { if (callresults[index].timed_out()) { callresults[index].to_delete = true; } } } } PRINT_DEBUG("runCallResults erase to_delete\n"); auto c = std::begin(callresults); while (c != std::end(callresults)) { if (c->to_delete) { if (c->timed_out()) { c = callresults.erase(c); } else { ++c; } } else { ++c; } } } }; struct Steam_Call_Back { std::vector callbacks; std::vector> results; }; class SteamCallBacks { std::map callbacks; SteamCallResults *results; public: SteamCallBacks(SteamCallResults *results) { this->results = results; } void addCallBack(int iCallback, class CCallbackBase *cb) { PRINT_DEBUG("addCallBack %i\n", iCallback); if (iCallback == SteamAPICallCompleted_t::k_iCallback) { results->addCallCompleted(cb); CCallbackMgr::SetRegister(cb, iCallback); return; } if (std::find(callbacks[iCallback].callbacks.begin(), callbacks[iCallback].callbacks.end(), cb) == callbacks[iCallback].callbacks.end()) { callbacks[iCallback].callbacks.push_back(cb); CCallbackMgr::SetRegister(cb, iCallback); for (auto & res: callbacks[iCallback].results) { //TODO: timeout? SteamAPICall_t api_id = results->addCallResult(iCallback, &(res[0]), res.size(), 0.0, false); results->addCallBack(api_id, cb); } } } void addCBResult(int iCallback, void *result, unsigned int size, double timeout, bool dont_post_if_already) { if (dont_post_if_already) { for (auto & r : callbacks[iCallback].results) { if (r.size() == size) { if (memcmp(&(r[0]), result, size) == 0) { //cb already posted return; } } } } std::vector temp; temp.resize(size); memcpy(&(temp[0]), result, size); callbacks[iCallback].results.push_back(temp); for (auto cb: callbacks[iCallback].callbacks) { SteamAPICall_t api_id = results->addCallResult(iCallback, result, size, timeout, false); results->addCallBack(api_id, cb); } if (callbacks[iCallback].callbacks.empty()) { results->addCallResult(iCallback, result, size, timeout, false); } } void addCBResult(int iCallback, void *result, unsigned int size) { addCBResult(iCallback, result, size, 0.0, false); } void addCBResult(int iCallback, void *result, unsigned int size, bool dont_post_if_already) { addCBResult(iCallback, result, size, 0.0, dont_post_if_already); } void addCBResult(int iCallback, void *result, unsigned int size, double timeout) { addCBResult(iCallback, result, size, timeout, false); } void rmCallBack(int iCallback, class CCallbackBase *cb) { if (iCallback == SteamAPICallCompleted_t::k_iCallback) { results->rmCallCompleted(cb); CCallbackMgr::SetUnregister(cb); return; } auto c = std::find(callbacks[iCallback].callbacks.begin(), callbacks[iCallback].callbacks.end(), cb); if (c != callbacks[iCallback].callbacks.end()) { callbacks[iCallback].callbacks.erase(c); CCallbackMgr::SetUnregister(cb); results->rmCallBack(cb); } } void runCallBacks() { for (auto & c : callbacks) { c.second.results.clear(); } } }; struct Auth_Ticket_Data { CSteamID id; uint64 number; std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point created; }; class Auth_Ticket_Manager { class Settings *settings; class Networking *network; class SteamCallBacks *callbacks; void launch_callback(CSteamID id, EAuthSessionResponse resp, double delay=0); void launch_callback_gs(CSteamID id, bool approved); std::vector inbound, outbound; public: Auth_Ticket_Manager(class Settings *settings, class Networking *network, class SteamCallBacks *callbacks); void Callback(Common_Message *msg); uint32 getTicket( void *pTicket, int cbMaxTicket, uint32 *pcbTicket ); void cancelTicket(uint32 number); EBeginAuthSessionResult beginAuth(const void *pAuthTicket, int cbAuthTicket, CSteamID steamID); bool endAuth(CSteamID id); uint32 countInboundAuth(); bool SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate( uint32 unIPClient, const void *pvAuthBlob, uint32 cubAuthBlobSize, CSteamID *pSteamIDUser ); CSteamID fakeUser(); Auth_Ticket_Data getTicketData( void *pTicket, int cbMaxTicket, uint32 *pcbTicket ); }; struct RunCBs { void (*function)(void *object); void *object; }; class RunEveryRunCB { std::vector cbs; public: void add(void (*cb)(void *object), void *object) { remove(cb, object); RunCBs rcb; rcb.function = cb; rcb.object = object; cbs.push_back(rcb); } void remove(void (*cb)(void *object), void *object) { auto c = std::begin(cbs); while (c != std::end(cbs)) { if (c->function == cb && c->object == object) { c = cbs.erase(c); } else { ++c; } } } void run() { std::vector temp_cbs = cbs; for (auto c : temp_cbs) { c.function(c.object); } } }; #ifdef EMU_EXPERIMENTAL_BUILD bool crack_SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary(uint32 unOwnAppID); bool crack_SteamAPI_Init(); #endif #endif