#include "steam_overlay.h" #ifdef STEAM_WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../dll/dll.h" // Get all steam appid with their name: http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v2/ // Steam storefront webapi: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/User:RJackson/StorefrontAPI // http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame/v2/?key=27FB0BB1A97A95244C5E08B170A54F96&appid=218620 /* { "game" : { "gameName" : "", "availableGameStats" : { "achievements" : { ("" : { "name" : "achievement_name", "displayName" : "achievement name on screen", "hidden" : (0|1), "description" : "", "icon" : "", "icongray" : "" }, ...) } } } } */ // Get appid infos: http://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails/?appids=218620 /* "appid" : { "success" : (true|false), (success == true "data" : { ... "name" : "", "steam_appid" : , (OPT "dlc" : [, ]), "header_image" : "" <-- Use this in the overlay ? (OPT "achievements" : { "total" : }), "background" : "" <-- Use this as the overlay background ? (OPT "packages" : [, ]) }) } */ extern LRESULT ImGui_ImplWin32_WndProcHandler(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); bool Steam_Overlay::IgnoreMsg(UINT uMsg) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: case WM_MOUSEHWHEEL: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_XBUTTONUP: case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: case WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_CHAR: return true; } return false; } LRESULT CALLBACK Steam_Overlay::HookWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { Steam_Overlay* _this = Hook_Manager::Inst().GetOverlay(); // Is the event is a key press if (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN) { // Tab is pressed and was not pressed before if (wParam == VK_TAB && !(lParam & (1 << 30))) { // If Left Shift is pressed if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) & (1 << 15)) _this->ShowOverlay(!_this->show_overlay); } } if (_this->show_overlay) { ImGui_ImplWin32_WndProcHandler(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); if (_this->IgnoreMsg(uMsg)) return 0; } // Call the overlay window procedure return CallWindowProc(_this->game_hwnd_proc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } void Steam_Overlay::steam_overlay_run_every_runcb(void* object) { Steam_Overlay* _this = reinterpret_cast(object); _this->RunCallbacks(); } void Steam_Overlay::steam_overlay_callback(void* object, Common_Message* msg) { Steam_Overlay* _this = reinterpret_cast(object); _this->Callback(msg); } Steam_Overlay::Steam_Overlay(Settings* settings, SteamCallResults* callback_results, SteamCallBacks* callbacks, RunEveryRunCB* run_every_runcb, Networking *network) : settings(settings), callback_results(callback_results), callbacks(callbacks), run_every_runcb(run_every_runcb), network(network), game_hwnd(NULL), game_hwnd_proc(nullptr), show_overlay(false), is_ready(false), notif_position(ENotificationPosition::k_EPositionBottomLeft), h_inset(0), v_inset(0), overlay_state_changed(false) { run_every_runcb->add(&Steam_Overlay::steam_overlay_run_every_runcb, this); this->network->setCallback(CALLBACK_ID_STEAM_MESSAGES, settings->get_local_steam_id(), &Steam_Overlay::steam_overlay_callback, this); } Steam_Overlay::~Steam_Overlay() { run_every_runcb->remove(&Steam_Overlay::steam_overlay_run_every_runcb, this); } HWND Steam_Overlay::GetGameHwnd() const { return game_hwnd; } bool Steam_Overlay::Ready() const { return is_ready; } bool Steam_Overlay::NeedPresent() const { return true; } void Steam_Overlay::SetNotificationPosition(ENotificationPosition eNotificationPosition) { notif_position = eNotificationPosition; } void Steam_Overlay::SetNotificationInset(int nHorizontalInset, int nVerticalInset) { h_inset = nHorizontalInset; v_inset = nVerticalInset; } void Steam_Overlay::SetupOverlay() { Hook_Manager::Inst().HookRenderer(this); } void Steam_Overlay::HookReady(void* hWnd) { if (game_hwnd != hWnd) { if (!is_ready) // If this is the first time we are ready, hook directinput and xinput, so we can intercept em and disable mouse. { //window_hooks.BeginHook(); // //window_hooks.HookFuncs(std::make_pair(&(PVOID&)_DispatchMessageA, &Steam_Overlay::MyDispatchMessageA), // std::make_pair(&(PVOID&)_DispatchMessageW, &Steam_Overlay::MyDispatchMessageW) // // Add XInput and DirectInput hooks to catch all mouse & controllers input when overlay is on // ); // //window_hooks.EndHook(); is_ready = true; } if (game_hwnd) SetWindowLongPtr(game_hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)game_hwnd_proc); game_hwnd = (HWND)hWnd; game_hwnd_proc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(game_hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)&Steam_Overlay::HookWndProc); } } // https://niemand.com.ar/2019/01/01/how-to-hook-directx-11-imgui/ // https://github.com/spazzarama/Direct3DHook/blob/master/Capture/Hook // https://github.com/unknownv2/LinuxDetours void Steam_Overlay::OpenOverlayInvite(CSteamID lobbyId) { ShowOverlay(true); } void Steam_Overlay::OpenOverlay(const char* pchDialog) { // TODO: Show pages depending on pchDialog ShowOverlay(true); } void Steam_Overlay::ShowOverlay(bool state) { static RECT old_clip; if (show_overlay == state) return; show_overlay = state; if (show_overlay) { RECT cliRect, wndRect, clipRect; GetClipCursor(&old_clip); // The window rectangle has borders and menus counted in the size GetWindowRect(game_hwnd, &wndRect); // The client rectangle is the window without borders GetClientRect(game_hwnd, &cliRect); clipRect = wndRect; // Init clip rectangle // Get Window width with borders wndRect.right -= wndRect.left; // Get Window height with borders & menus wndRect.bottom -= wndRect.top; // Compute the border width int borderWidth = (wndRect.right - cliRect.right) / 2; // Client top clip is the menu bar width minus bottom border clipRect.top += wndRect.bottom - cliRect.bottom - borderWidth; // Client left clip is the left border minus border width clipRect.left += borderWidth; // Here goes the same for right and bottom clipRect.right -= borderWidth; clipRect.bottom -= borderWidth; ClipCursor(&clipRect); ImGui::GetIO().MouseDrawCursor = true; } else { ClipCursor(&old_clip); ImGui::GetIO().MouseDrawCursor = false; } overlay_state_changed = true; } void Steam_Overlay::SetLobbyInvite(Friend friendId, uint64 lobbyId) { std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); auto i = friends.find(friendId); if (i != friends.end()) { auto& frd = i->second; frd.lobbyId = lobbyId; frd.window_state |= window_state_lobby_invite; // Make sure don't have rich presence invite and a lobby invite (it should not happen but who knows) frd.window_state &= ~window_state_rich_invite; } } void Steam_Overlay::SetRichInvite(Friend friendId, const char* connect_str) { std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); auto i = friends.find(friendId); if (i != friends.end()) { auto& frd = i->second; strncpy(frd.connect, connect_str, k_cchMaxRichPresenceValueLength - 1); frd.window_state |= window_state_rich_invite; // Make sure don't have rich presence invite and a lobby invite (it should not happen but who knows) frd.window_state &= ~window_state_lobby_invite; } } void Steam_Overlay::FriendConnect(Friend _friend) { std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); friends[_friend].window_state = window_state_none; memset(friends[_friend].chat_input, 0, max_chat_len); } void Steam_Overlay::FriendDisconnect(Friend _friend) { std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); auto it = friends.find(_friend); if (it != friends.end()) friends.erase(it); } bool Steam_Overlay::FriendHasLobby(uint64 friend_id) { Steam_Friends* steamFriends = get_steam_client()->steam_friends; if( std::string(steamFriends->GetFriendRichPresence(friend_id, "connect")).length() > 0 ) return true; FriendGameInfo_t friend_game_info = {}; steamFriends->GetFriendGamePlayed(friend_id, &friend_game_info); if (friend_game_info.m_steamIDLobby.IsValid()) return true; return false; } bool Steam_Overlay::IHaveLobby() { Steam_Friends* steamFriends = get_steam_client()->steam_friends; if (std::string(steamFriends->GetFriendRichPresence(settings->get_local_steam_id(), "connect")).length() > 0) return true; if (settings->get_lobby().IsValid()) return true; return false; } void Steam_Overlay::BuildContextMenu(Friend const& frd, friend_window_state& state) { if (ImGui::BeginPopupContextItem("Friends", 1)) { bool close_popup = false; if (ImGui::Button("Chat")) { state.window_state |= window_state_show; close_popup = true; } if (IHaveLobby() && ImGui::Button("Invite")) { state.window_state |= window_state_invite; has_friend_action.push(frd); close_popup = true; } if (FriendHasLobby(frd.id()) && ImGui::Button("Join")) { state.window_state |= window_state_join; has_friend_action.push(frd); close_popup = true; } if( close_popup) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } } void Steam_Overlay::BuildFriendWindow(Friend const& frd, friend_window_state& state) { if (!(state.window_state & window_state_show)) return; bool show = true; bool send_chat_msg = false; if (ImGui::Begin(frd.name().c_str(), &show)) { // Fill this with the chat box and maybe the invitation if (state.window_state & (window_state_lobby_invite | window_state_rich_invite)) { ImGui::LabelText("##label", "%s invited you to join the game.", frd.name().c_str()); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Accept")) { this->has_friend_action.push(frd); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Refuse")) { state.window_state &= ~(window_state_lobby_invite | window_state_rich_invite); } } ImGui::PushItemWidth(-1.0f); ImGui::ColoredInputTextMultiline("##chat_history", &state.chat_history[0], state.chat_history.length(), { -1.0f, 0 }, ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); if (ImGui::InputText("##chat_line", state.chat_input, max_chat_len, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue)) { send_chat_msg = true; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Send")) { send_chat_msg = true; } if (send_chat_msg) { if (!(state.window_state & window_state_send_message)) { has_friend_action.push(frd); state.window_state |= window_state_send_message; } } } // User closed the friend window if (!show) state.window_state &= ~window_state_show; ImGui::End(); } void Steam_Overlay::OverlayProc( int width, int height ) { if (!show_overlay) return; std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); int friend_size = friends.size(); // Set the overlay windows to the size of the game window ImGui::SetNextWindowPos({ 0,0 }); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize({ static_cast(width), static_cast(height) }); ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.50); ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle(); style.WindowRounding = 0.0; if (ImGui::Begin("SteamOverlay", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus)) { ImGui::LabelText("##label", "Username: %s(%llu) playing %u", settings->get_local_name(), settings->get_local_steam_id().ConvertToUint64(), settings->get_local_game_id().AppID()); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::LabelText("##label", "Friends"); ImGui::ListBoxHeader("##label", friend_size); std::for_each(friends.begin(), friends.end(), [this]( auto& i) { ImGui::PushID(i.first.id()); ImGui::Selectable(i.first.name().c_str(), false, ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowDoubleClick); BuildContextMenu(i.first, i.second); if (ImGui::IsItemClicked() && ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked(0)) { i.second.window_state |= window_state_show; } ImGui::PopID(); BuildFriendWindow(i.first, i.second); }); ImGui::ListBoxFooter(); //RECT rect; //GetWindowRect(game_hwnd, &rect); //auto pos = ImGui::GetMousePos(); //ImGui::LabelText("", "Window pos: %dx%d %dx%d", rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); //ImGui::LabelText("", "Mouse pos: %dx%d", (int)pos.x, (int)pos.y); } ImGui::End(); //ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(); } void Steam_Overlay::Callback(Common_Message *msg) { if (msg->has_steam_messages()) { Friend frd; frd.set_id(msg->source_id()); auto friend_info = friends.find(frd); if (friend_info != friends.end()) { Steam_Messages const& steam_message = msg->steam_messages(); // Change color to cyan for friend friend_info->second.chat_history.append("\x1", 1).append("00FFFFFF", 8).append(steam_message.message()).append("\n", 1); } } } void Steam_Overlay::RunCallbacks() { if (overlay_state_changed) { GameOverlayActivated_t data = { 0 }; data.m_bActive = show_overlay; callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); overlay_state_changed = false; } Steam_Friends* steamFriends = get_steam_client()->steam_friends; Steam_Matchmaking* steamMatchmaking = get_steam_client()->steam_matchmaking; while (!has_friend_action.empty()) { auto friend_info = friends.find(has_friend_action.front()); if (friend_info != friends.end()) { uint64 friend_id = friend_info->first.id(); // The user clicked on "Send" if (friend_info->second.window_state & window_state_send_message) { char* input = friend_info->second.chat_input; char* end_input = input + strlen(input); char* printable_char = std::find_if(input, end_input, [](char c) { return std::isgraph(c); }); // Check if the message contains something else than blanks if (printable_char != end_input) { // Handle chat send Common_Message msg; Steam_Messages* steam_messages = new Steam_Messages; steam_messages->set_type(Steam_Messages::FRIEND_CHAT); steam_messages->set_message(friend_info->second.chat_input); msg.set_allocated_steam_messages(steam_messages); msg.set_source_id(settings->get_local_steam_id().ConvertToUint64()); msg.set_dest_id(friend_id); network->sendTo(&msg, true); friend_info->second.chat_history.append("\x1", 1).append("00FF00FF", 8).append(input).append("\n", 1); } *input = 0; // Reset the input field friend_info->second.window_state &= ~window_state_send_message; } // The user clicked on "Invite" if (friend_info->second.window_state & window_state_invite) { std::string connect = steamFriends->GetFriendRichPresence(settings->get_local_steam_id(), "connect"); if (connect.length() > 0) steamFriends->InviteUserToGame(friend_id, connect.c_str()); else if (settings->get_lobby().IsValid()) steamMatchmaking->InviteUserToLobby(settings->get_lobby(), friend_id); friend_info->second.window_state &= ~window_state_invite; } // The user clicked on "Join" if (friend_info->second.window_state & window_state_join) { std::string connect = steamFriends->GetFriendRichPresence(friend_id, "connect"); if (connect.length() > 0) { GameRichPresenceJoinRequested_t data = {}; data.m_steamIDFriend.SetFromUint64(friend_id); strncpy(data.m_rgchConnect, connect.c_str(), k_cchMaxRichPresenceValueLength - 1); callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); } else { FriendGameInfo_t friend_game_info = {}; steamFriends->GetFriendGamePlayed(friend_id, &friend_game_info); if (friend_game_info.m_steamIDLobby.IsValid()) steamMatchmaking->JoinLobby(friend_game_info.m_steamIDLobby); } friend_info->second.window_state &= ~window_state_join; } // The user got a lobby invite and accepted it if (friend_info->second.window_state & window_state_lobby_invite) { GameLobbyJoinRequested_t data; data.m_steamIDLobby.SetFromUint64(friend_info->second.lobbyId); data.m_steamIDFriend.SetFromUint64(friend_id); callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); friend_info->second.window_state &= ~window_state_lobby_invite; } // The user got a rich presence invite and accepted it if (friend_info->second.window_state & window_state_rich_invite) { GameRichPresenceJoinRequested_t data = {}; data.m_steamIDFriend.SetFromUint64(friend_id); strncpy(data.m_rgchConnect, friend_info->second.connect, k_cchMaxRichPresenceValueLength - 1); callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); friend_info->second.window_state &= ~window_state_rich_invite; } } has_friend_action.pop(); } } #else /* TODO: * Add here the code for Linux overlay */ #endif