stages: - dependencies - build - deploy - page_deploy protobuf_static_steamos: stage: dependencies image: tianon/steamos script: # don't rebuild every time - test -e ./protobuf/prefix && exit 0 - apt update && apt -y install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 git autotools-dev automake libtool g++-4.9-multilib gcc-4.9-multilib build-essential - export BASE_PREFIX_PATH=$(pwd) - echo $BASE_PREFIX_PATH - mkdir deps - cd deps - git clone - cd protobuf - sh - ./configure "CC=gcc-4.9 -m32" "CXX=g++-4.9 -m32" CPPFLAGS="-fPIC -Ofast" CXXFLAGS="-fPIC -Ofast" --prefix=$BASE_PREFIX_PATH/protobuf/prefix_x86/ --disable-shared --enable-static - make -j8 install - make clean - ./configure "CC=gcc-4.9" "CXX=g++-4.9" "CPPFLAGS=-fPIC -Ofast" "CXXFLAGS=-fPIC -Ofast" --prefix=$BASE_PREFIX_PATH/protobuf/prefix/ --disable-shared --enable-static - make -j8 install cache: key: protobuf-static-steamos-cache # policy: push paths: - protobuf/ artifacts: paths: - protobuf/ expire_in: 1 day build_steamos: stage: build image: tianon/steamos dependencies: - protobuf_static_steamos before_script: - apt update && apt -y install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 git libtool g++-4.9-multilib gcc-4.9-multilib script: - ls -lah - uname -a - sed -i 's/^g++ /g++-4.9 /g' - sed -i 's/..\/protobuf\/prefix/.\/protobuf\/prefix/g' - sh artifacts: paths: - linux/ expire_in: 1 day build_windows: stage: build image: fedora:29 script: - dnf -y install wine wget p7zip sed dos2unix - unix2dos *.txt - unix2dos files_example/*.txt files_example/*/*.txt - sed -i 's/..\\vcpkg\\installed\\/.\\protobuf_/g' build_set_protobuf_directories.bat - wget '' - wget '' - wget '' - 7za x protobuf_x86-windows-static.7z -oprotobuf_x86-windows-static - 7za x protobuf_x64-windows-static.7z -oprotobuf_x64-windows-static - 7za x sdk_standalone.7z -osdk_standalone - DLL_FILES="$(ls dll/*.cpp | tr "\n" " ")"; sed "s|dll/\*.cpp|$DLL_FILES|g" -i *.bat - DLL_FILES="$(ls detours/*.cpp | tr "\n" " ")"; sed "s|detours/\*.cpp|$DLL_FILES|g" -i *.bat - DLL_FILES="$(ls overlay_experimental/*.cpp | tr "\n" " ")"; sed "s|overlay_experimental/\*.cpp|$DLL_FILES|g" -i *.bat - DLL_FILES="$(ls overlay_experimental/windows/*.cpp | tr "\n" " ")"; sed "s|overlay_experimental/windows/\*.cpp|$DLL_FILES|g" -i *.bat - DLL_FILES="$(ls ImGui/*.cpp | tr "\n" " ")"; sed "s|ImGui/\*.cpp|$DLL_FILES|g" -i *.bat - DLL_FILES="$(ls ImGui/backends/imgui_impl_dx*.cpp | tr "\n" " ")"; sed "s|ImGui/backends/imgui_impl_dx\*.cpp|$DLL_FILES|g" -i *.bat - DLL_FILES="$(ls overlay_experimental/System/*.cpp | tr "\n" " ")"; sed "s|overlay_experimental/System/\*.cpp|$DLL_FILES|g" -i *.bat - DLL_FILES="$(ls dll/*.proto | tr "\n" " " | sed "s/.proto/")"; sed "s|dll/\*.cc|$DLL_FILES|g" -i *.bat - DLL_FILES="$(ls steamclient_loader/*.cpp | tr "\n" " ")"; sed "s|steamclient_loader/\*.cpp|$DLL_FILES|g" -i *.bat - sed "s| /MP12 | /MP4 |g" -i *.bat - export WINEDEBUG=-all - wine cmd /c build_win_debug_experimental.bat - wine cmd /c build_win_release.bat - mkdir release/debug_experimental - mv steam_api.dll steam_api64.dll release/debug_experimental/ - rm -f steamclient.dll steamclient64.dll - wine cmd /c build_win_debug_experimental_steamclient.bat - mkdir release/debug_experimental_steamclient - mv steamclient.dll steamclient64.dll release/debug_experimental_steamclient/ - cp Readme_debug.txt release/debug_experimental/Readme.txt artifacts: paths: - release/ expire_in: 1 day build_cmake_linux: stage: build image: ubuntu when: manual before_script: - export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive - apt update -y - apt install build-essential cmake libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler ninja-build -y script: - mkdir cmake-builds && cd cmake-builds - mkdir x64-release && cd x64-release - cmake ../../ -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="RelWithDebInfo" && ninja - cd .. # - mkdir x64-experimental-release && cd x64-experimental-release # - cmake ../../ -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="RelWithDebInfo" -DEMU_EXPERIMENTAL_BUILD:BOOL=ON && ninja # - cd .. artifacts: paths: - cmake-builds/ expire_in: 1 day build_cmake_windows: stage: build image: fedora:29 when: manual before_script: - dnf -y install wine wget p7zip sed dos2unix unzip - wget '' - 7za x sdk_standalone.7z -osdk_standalone - wget '' - 7za x - wget '' - 7za x protobuf_x64-windows-static.7z -oprotobuf_x64-windows-static script: - export WINEDEBUG=-all - wine cmd /c - mkdir cmake-builds && cd cmake-builds - mkdir x64-release && cd x64-release - echo call .\\..\\..\\sdk_standalone\\set_vars64.bat >> cmake-build.bat - echo .\\..\\..\\cmake-3.15.0-rc1-win64-x64\\bin\\cmake.exe ..\\.. -G \"NMake Makefiles\" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="RelWithDebInfo" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="protobuf_x64-windows-static" -DProtobuf_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE:STRING="./../../protobuf_x64-windows-static/tools/protobuf/protoc.exe" >> cmake-build.bat - echo nmake.exe >> cmake-build.bat - wine cmd /c cmake-build.bat - cd .. - mkdir x64-experimental-release && cd x64-experimental-release - echo call .\\..\\..\\sdk_standalone\\set_vars64.bat >> cmake-build.bat - echo .\\..\\..\\cmake-3.15.0-rc1-win64-x64\\bin\\cmake.exe ..\\.. -G \"NMake Makefiles\" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="RelWithDebInfo" -DEMU_EXPERIMENTAL_BUILD=ON -DEMU_OVERLAY=ON -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="protobuf_x64-windows-static" -DProtobuf_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE:STRING="./../../protobuf_x64-windows-static/tools/protobuf/protoc.exe" >> cmake-build.bat - echo nmake.exe >> cmake-build.bat - wine cmd /c cmake-build.bat - cd .. artifacts: paths: - cmake-builds/ expire_in: 1 day deploy_all: stage: deploy image: fedora dependencies: - build_windows - build_steamos script: - ls -lah - dnf -y install git tree - mkdir -p release/source_code - git bundle create release/source_code/source_code.bundle --all - "echo \"This is a git bundle of the full repo, to use: git clone source_code.bundle --branch master\" > release/source_code/Readme.txt" - mv linux release/ - shopt -s extglob - rm -rf .g* - rm -rf !(release) - mv release/* ./ - rm -rf release - echo $CI_JOB_ID > job_id - tree artifacts: name: "Goldberg_Lan_Steam_Emu_$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_TAG-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" paths: - ./ expire_in: never pages: image: fedora stage: page_deploy dependencies: - deploy_all script: - DEPLOY_ALL_JOBID=$(cat job_id) - mkdir public - cat website/template.html | sed 's|X_LATEST_BUILD_URL_X|'$DEPLOY_ALL_JOBID'/artifacts/download|g' > public/index.html - sed -i 's|X_LATEST_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH_X|'$CI_COMMIT_SHA'|g' public/index.html artifacts: paths: - public/ only: - master