import { unpacker } from './unpacker'; const CORS_URL = ''; const BASE_URL = `${CORS_URL}`; const MOVIE_URL = `${BASE_URL}/movie` const DECODING_URL = `${BASE_URL}/decoding_v3.php` async function findContentGomo(searchTerm, type) { try { if (type !== 'movie') return; const term = searchTerm.toLowerCase() const imdbRes = await fetch(`${CORS_URL}${term.slice(0, 1)}/${term}.json`).then(d => d.json()) const results = []; imdbRes.d.forEach((e) => { if (!'tt')) return; results.push({ title: e.l, slug:, type: 'movie', year: e.y }) }); if (results.length > 1) { return { options: results }; } else { return { options: [results[0]] } } // const movieId = imdbRes.d[0]?.id // if (!movieId) return; } catch (err) { console.log(err); throw new Error(err) } } async function getStreamUrlGomo(slug, type, season, episode) { if (type !== 'movie') return; // Get stream to go with IMDB ID const site1 = await fetch(`${MOVIE_URL}/${slug}`).then((d) => d.text()); const tc = site1.match(/var tc = '(.+)';/)?.[1] const _token = site1.match(/"_token": "(.+)",/)?.[1] const fd = new FormData() fd.append('tokenCode', tc) fd.append('_token', _token) const src = await fetch(DECODING_URL, { method: "POST", body: fd, headers: { 'x-token': tc.slice(5, 13).split("").reverse().join("") + "13574199" } }).then((d) => d.json()); const embedUrl = src.find(url => url.includes('')); const site2 = await fetch(`${CORS_URL}${embedUrl}`).then((d) => d.text()); const parser = new DOMParser(); const site2Dom = parser.parseFromString(site2, "text/html"); const script = site2Dom.querySelectorAll("script")[8].innerHTML; let unpacked = unpacker.unpack(script).split(''); unpacked.splice(0, 43); let index = unpacked.findIndex((e) => e === '"'); const url = unpacked.slice(0, index).join(''); return { url } } export { findContentGomo, getStreamUrlGomo }