import React from 'react'; import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'; import { Redirect, useHistory, useRouteMatch } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Arrow } from '../components/Arrow'; import { Card } from '../components/Card'; import { ErrorBanner } from '../components/ErrorBanner'; import { InputBox } from '../components/InputBox'; import { MovieRow } from '../components/MovieRow'; import { Progress } from '../components/Progress'; import { Title } from '../components/Title'; import { TypeSelector } from '../components/TypeSelector'; import { useMovie } from '../hooks/useMovie'; import { findContent, getEpisodes, getStreamUrl } from '../lib/index'; import './Search.css'; export function SearchView() { const { navigate, setStreamUrl, setStreamData } = useMovie(); const history = useHistory(); const routeMatch = useRouteMatch('/:type'); const type = routeMatch?.params?.type; const streamRouteMatch = useRouteMatch('/:type/:source/:title/:slug'); const maxSteps = 4; const [options, setOptions] = React.useState([]); const [progress, setProgress] = React.useState(0); const [text, setText] = React.useState(""); const [failed, setFailed] = React.useState(false); const [showingOptions, setShowingOptions] = React.useState(false); const [errorStatus, setErrorStatus] = React.useState(false); const [page, setPage] = React.useState('search'); const [continueWatching, setContinueWatching] = React.useState([]) const fail = (str) => { setProgress(maxSteps); setText(str) setFailed(true) } async function getStream(title, slug, type, source, year) { setStreamUrl(""); try { setProgress(2); setText(`Getting stream for "${title}"`); let seasons = []; let episodes = []; if (type === "show") { const data = await getEpisodes(slug, source); seasons = data.seasons; episodes = data.episodes; } let realUrl = ''; if (type === "movie") { const { url } = await getStreamUrl(slug, type, source); if (url === '') { return fail(`Not found: ${title}`) } realUrl = url; } setProgress(maxSteps); setStreamUrl(realUrl); setStreamData({ title, type, seasons, episodes, slug, source, year }) setText(`Streaming...`) navigate("movie") } catch (err) { console.error(err); fail("Failed to get stream") } } async function searchMovie(query, contentType) { setFailed(false); setText(`Searching for ${contentType} "${query}"`); setProgress(1) setShowingOptions(false) try { const { options } = await findContent(query, contentType); if (options.length === 0) { return fail(`Could not find that ${contentType}`) } else if (options.length > 1) { setProgress(2); setText(`Choose your ${contentType}`); setOptions(options); setShowingOptions(true); return; } const { title, slug, type, source, year } = options[0]; history.push(`${routeMatch.url}/${source}/${title}/${slug}`); getStream(title, slug, type, source, year); } catch (err) { console.error(err); fail(`Failed to watch ${contentType}`) } } React.useEffect(() => { async function fetchHealth() { const HOME_URL = "" await fetch(HOME_URL).catch(() => { // Request failed; source likely offline setErrorStatus(`Our content provider is currently offline, apologies.`) }) } fetchHealth() }, []); React.useEffect(() => { if (streamRouteMatch) { if (streamRouteMatch?.params.type === 'movie' || streamRouteMatch.params.type === 'show') getStream(streamRouteMatch.params.title, streamRouteMatch.params.slug, streamRouteMatch.params.type, streamRouteMatch.params.source); else return setErrorStatus("Failed to find movie. Please try searching below."); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); React.useEffect(() => { const progressData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('video-progress') || "{}") let newContinueWatching = [] Object.keys(progressData).forEach((source) => { const all = [ ...Object.entries(progressData[source]?.show ?? {}), ...Object.entries(progressData[source]?.movie ?? {}) ]; for (const [slug, data] of all) { for (let subselection of Object.values(data)) { let entry = { slug, data: subselection, type: ? 'show' : 'movie', percentageDone: Math.floor((subselection.currentlyAt / subselection.totalDuration) * 100), source } if (entry.percentageDone < 90) { newContinueWatching.push(entry) } } } newContinueWatching = newContinueWatching.sort((a, b) => { return - }); setContinueWatching(newContinueWatching) }) }, []); if (!type || (type !== 'movie' && type !== 'show')) { return } return (
{type === 'movie' ? 'movies' : 'shows'} | movie-web {/* Nav */} {/* Search */} {page === 'search' ? {errorStatus ? {errorStatus} : ''} What do you wanna watch? history.push(`/${type}`)} choices={[ { label: "Movie", value: "movie" }, { label: "TV Show", value: "show" } ]} noWrap={true} selected={type} /> searchMovie(str, type)} /> 0} failed={failed} progress={progress} steps={maxSteps} text={text} /> Whoops, there are a few {type}s like that {Object.entries(options.reduce((a, v) => { if (!a[v.source]) a[v.source] = [] a[v.source].push(v) return a; }, {})).map(v => (


{v[1].map((v, i) => ( { history.push(`${routeMatch.url}/${v.source}/${v.title}/${v.slug}`); setShowingOptions(false) getStream(v.title, v.slug, v.type, v.source, v.year) }} /> ))}
: } {/* Continue watching */} {continueWatching.length > 0 && page === 'watching' ? Continue watching {Object.entries(continueWatching.reduce((a, v) => { if (!a[v.source]) a[v.source] = [] a[v.source].push(v) return a; }, {})).map(v => (


{v[1].map((v, i) => ( { if (v.type === 'show') { history.push(`${routeMatch.url}/${v.source}/${}/${v.slug}/season/${}/episode/${}`) } else { history.push(`${routeMatch.url}/${v.source}/${}/${v.slug}`) } setShowingOptions(false) getStream(,, v.type, v.source, }} /> ))}
: }
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) }