import fscreen from "fscreen"; import Hls, { Level } from "hls.js"; import { DisplayInterface, DisplayInterfaceEvents, } from "@/components/player/display/displayInterface"; import { handleBuffered } from "@/components/player/utils/handleBuffered"; import { LoadableSource, SourceQuality, getPreferredQuality, } from "@/stores/player/utils/qualities"; import { canChangeVolume, canFullscreen, canFullscreenAnyElement, canPictureInPicture, canWebkitFullscreen, canWebkitPictureInPicture, } from "@/utils/detectFeatures"; import { makeEmitter } from "@/utils/events"; const levelConversionMap: Record = { 360: "360", 1080: "1080", 720: "720", 480: "480", }; function hlsLevelToQuality(level: Level): SourceQuality | null { return levelConversionMap[level.height] ?? null; } function qualityToHlsLevel(quality: SourceQuality): number | null { const found = Object.entries(levelConversionMap).find( (entry) => entry[1] === quality ); return found ? +found[0] : null; } function hlsLevelsToQualities(levels: Level[]): SourceQuality[] { return levels .map((v) => hlsLevelToQuality(v)) .filter((v): v is SourceQuality => !!v); } export function makeVideoElementDisplayInterface(): DisplayInterface { const { emit, on, off } = makeEmitter(); let source: LoadableSource | null = null; let hls: Hls | null = null; let videoElement: HTMLVideoElement | null = null; let containerElement: HTMLElement | null = null; let isFullscreen = false; let isPausedBeforeSeeking = false; let isSeeking = false; let startAt = 0; let automaticQuality = false; let preferenceQuality: SourceQuality | null = null; let lastVolume = 1; function reportLevels() { if (!hls) return; const levels = hls.levels; const convertedLevels = levels .map((v) => hlsLevelToQuality(v)) .filter((v): v is SourceQuality => !!v); emit("qualities", convertedLevels); } function setupQualityForHls() { if (!hls) return; if (!automaticQuality) { const qualities = hlsLevelsToQualities(hls.levels); const availableQuality = getPreferredQuality(qualities, { lastChosenQuality: preferenceQuality, automaticQuality, }); if (availableQuality) { const levelIndex = hls.levels.findIndex( (v) => v.height === qualityToHlsLevel(availableQuality) ); if (levelIndex !== -1) { hls.currentLevel = levelIndex; hls.loadLevel = levelIndex; } } } else { hls.currentLevel = -1; hls.loadLevel = -1; } const quality = hlsLevelToQuality(hls.levels[hls.currentLevel]); emit("changedquality", quality); } function setupSource(vid: HTMLVideoElement, src: LoadableSource) { if (src.type === "hls") { if (!Hls.isSupported()) throw new Error("HLS not supported"); if (!hls) { hls = new Hls({ enableWorker: false }); hls.on(Hls.Events.ERROR, (event, data) => { console.error("HLS error", data); if (data.fatal) { throw new Error( `HLS ERROR:${data.error?.message ?? "Something went wrong"}` ); } }); hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_LOADED, () => { if (!hls) return; reportLevels(); setupQualityForHls(); }); hls.on(Hls.Events.LEVEL_SWITCHED, () => { if (!hls) return; const quality = hlsLevelToQuality(hls.levels[hls.currentLevel]); emit("changedquality", quality); }); } hls.attachMedia(vid); hls.loadSource(src.url); vid.currentTime = startAt; return; } vid.src = src.url; vid.currentTime = startAt; } function setSource() { if (!videoElement || !source) return; setupSource(videoElement, source); videoElement.addEventListener("play", () => { emit("play", undefined); emit("loading", false); }); videoElement.addEventListener("playing", () => emit("play", undefined)); videoElement.addEventListener("pause", () => emit("pause", undefined)); videoElement.addEventListener("canplay", () => emit("loading", false)); videoElement.addEventListener("waiting", () => emit("loading", true)); videoElement.addEventListener("volumechange", () => emit("volumechange", videoElement?.muted ? 0 : videoElement?.volume ?? 0) ); videoElement.addEventListener("timeupdate", () => emit("time", videoElement?.currentTime ?? 0) ); videoElement.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", () => { emit("duration", videoElement?.duration ?? 0); }); videoElement.addEventListener("progress", () => { if (videoElement) emit( "buffered", handleBuffered(videoElement.currentTime, videoElement.buffered) ); }); videoElement.addEventListener("webkitendfullscreen", () => { isFullscreen = false; emit("fullscreen", isFullscreen); if (!isFullscreen) emit("needstrack", false); }); videoElement.addEventListener( "webkitplaybacktargetavailabilitychanged", (e: any) => { if (e.availability === "available") { emit("canairplay", true); } } ); videoElement.addEventListener("ratechange", () => { if (videoElement) emit("playbackrate", videoElement.playbackRate); }); } function unloadSource() { if (videoElement) videoElement.src = ""; if (hls) { hls.destroy(); hls = null; } } function destroyVideoElement() { unloadSource(); if (videoElement) { videoElement = null; } } function fullscreenChange() { isFullscreen = !!document.fullscreenElement || // other browsers !!(document as any).webkitFullscreenElement; // safari emit("fullscreen", isFullscreen); if (!isFullscreen) emit("needstrack", false); } fscreen.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", fullscreenChange); return { on, off, destroy: () => { destroyVideoElement(); fscreen.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", fullscreenChange); }, load(ops) { if (!ops.source) unloadSource(); automaticQuality = ops.automaticQuality; preferenceQuality = ops.preferredQuality; source = ops.source; emit("loading", true); startAt = ops.startAt; setSource(); }, changeQuality(newAutomaticQuality, newPreferredQuality) { if (source?.type !== "hls") return; automaticQuality = newAutomaticQuality; preferenceQuality = newPreferredQuality; setupQualityForHls(); }, processVideoElement(video) { destroyVideoElement(); videoElement = video; setSource(); this.setVolume(lastVolume); }, processContainerElement(container) { containerElement = container; }, pause() { videoElement?.pause(); }, play() { videoElement?.play(); }, setSeeking(active) { if (active === isSeeking) return; isSeeking = active; // if it was playing when starting to seek, play again if (!active) { if (!isPausedBeforeSeeking); return; } isPausedBeforeSeeking = videoElement?.paused ?? true; this.pause(); }, setTime(t) { if (!videoElement) return; // clamp time between 0 and max duration let time = Math.min(t, videoElement.duration); time = Math.max(0, time); if (Number.isNaN(time)) return; emit("time", time); videoElement.currentTime = time; }, async setVolume(v) { // clamp time between 0 and 1 let volume = Math.min(v, 1); volume = Math.max(0, volume); // actually set lastVolume = v; if (!videoElement) return; videoElement.muted = volume === 0; // Muted attribute is always supported // update state const isChangeable = await canChangeVolume(); if (isChangeable) { videoElement.volume = volume; } else { // For browsers where it can't be changed emit("volumechange", volume === 0 ? 0 : 1); } }, toggleFullscreen() { if (isFullscreen) { isFullscreen = false; emit("fullscreen", isFullscreen); emit("needstrack", false); if (!fscreen.fullscreenElement) return; fscreen.exitFullscreen(); return; } // enter fullscreen isFullscreen = true; emit("fullscreen", isFullscreen); if (!canFullscreen() || fscreen.fullscreenElement) return; if (canFullscreenAnyElement()) { if (containerElement) fscreen.requestFullscreen(containerElement); return; } if (canWebkitFullscreen()) { if (videoElement) { emit("needstrack", true); (videoElement as any).webkitEnterFullscreen(); } } }, togglePictureInPicture() { if (!videoElement) return; if (canWebkitPictureInPicture()) { const webkitPlayer = videoElement as any; webkitPlayer.webkitSetPresentationMode( webkitPlayer.webkitPresentationMode === "picture-in-picture" ? "inline" : "picture-in-picture" ); } if (canPictureInPicture()) { if (videoElement !== document.pictureInPictureElement) { videoElement.requestPictureInPicture(); } else { document.exitPictureInPicture(); } } }, startAirplay() { const videoPlayer = videoElement as any; if (videoPlayer && videoPlayer.webkitShowPlaybackTargetPicker) { videoPlayer.webkitShowPlaybackTargetPicker(); } }, setPlaybackRate(rate) { if (videoElement) videoElement.playbackRate = rate; }, }; }