import { useEffect } from "react"; import { progressUpdateItemToInput, removeProgress, setProgress, } from "@/backend/accounts/progress"; import { useBackendUrl } from "@/hooks/auth/useBackendUrl"; import { AccountWithToken, useAuthStore } from "@/stores/auth"; import { ProgressUpdateItem, useProgressStore } from "@/stores/progress"; const syncIntervalMs = 5 * 1000; async function syncProgress( items: ProgressUpdateItem[], finish: (id: string) => void, url: string, account: AccountWithToken | null ) { for (const item of items) { // complete it beforehand so it doesn't get handled while in progress finish(; if (!account) continue; // not logged in, dont sync to server try { if (item.action === "delete") { await removeProgress( url, account, item.tmdbId, item.seasonId, item.episodeId ); continue; } if (item.action === "upsert") { await setProgress(url, account, progressUpdateItemToInput(item)); continue; } } catch (err) { console.error( `Failed to sync progress: ${item.tmdbId} - ${item.action}`, err ); } } } export function ProgressSyncer() { const clearUpdateQueue = useProgressStore((s) => s.clearUpdateQueue); const removeUpdateItem = useProgressStore((s) => s.removeUpdateItem); const url = useBackendUrl(); // when booting for the first time, clear update queue. // we dont want to process persisted update items useEffect(() => { clearUpdateQueue(); }, [clearUpdateQueue]); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(() => { (async () => { const state = useProgressStore.getState(); const user = useAuthStore.getState(); await syncProgress( state.updateQueue, removeUpdateItem, url, user.account ); })(); }, syncIntervalMs); return () => { clearInterval(interval); }; }, [removeUpdateItem, url]); return null; }